Important! For safety - Add an option to stay away from unsealed roads
I used Waze when driving back home this weekend, for a 400km journey. There were traffic jams all along the main routes. Waze saved me an hour by routing me around the jams, but.....
I had two little kids in a two wheel drive car and Waze took me through roads better suited for four wheel drive vehicles - unsealed, dirt roads with no cellphone reception. The roads got bad until I was too far in and turning around wasn't even an option because it was too narrow.
This is a matter of safety. Some cars cannot handle unsealed dirt roads and it is incredibly important that Waze gives the user an option to stay away from such roads.

Lance McCready commented
We love Waze but it got us into a dangerous situation on a 5-hour drive in a snowstorm last night. We have some suggestions to prevent this.
The app kept changing our route to take us off a main highway. For the first couple of exits we ignored the suggestion because even if this route would have saved us some time, it was likely going to take us on unplowed roads in the dark. We began to think that there must be an accident way ahead on the highway, so we took an exit. Then, as we had feared, we were taken on unlit rural roads with very little traffic, but the snow was fresh and visibility difficult due to the storm. It was a harrowing 2.5 hour drive. We have a compact car but luckily had winter tires on it or we likely would not have made it to our destination.
I feel now that the app must have suggested this route because very few other Waze users were on it. In clear weather this would have been fine. Here’s what I think should be looked at for the app:
1. An option to avoid not just toll roads or unpaved roads but rural roads and/or unlit roads.
2. Integration of severe weather alerts and an option to avoid off-highway driving in snowstorms and/or after sunset.
3. The ability to set vehicle size and whether it has 4-wheel drive and winter tires so that safer routes will automatically be chosen.
4. A clearer explanation when suggesting a change to the route, and the option to decline it for a reason. ie ‘severe traffic slowdown toward end of current route, reroute?’ And then ‘yes/no’ and option to say ‘avoid severe weather’ as the reason.
Any or all of these would be great next moves!
Brent Eacott commented
The ability to avoid gravel/unsealed roads needs to be added, similar to the ability to avoid toll roads.
Barry A. commented
Prevent Waze from directing people using bumpy roads
Anonymous commented
O waze é muito útil pra mim q sou motorista Uber. Mas moramos em uma cidade com topografia acidentada. Seria muito bom se o cálculo da rota desse opção por evitar inclinação da via acima de um percentual a escolha do usuário.
Anonymous commented
A WAZE directed route takes users on an unimproved, boulder ridden, rutty road that even a truck would cringe at. Last year an elderly couple in a compact car became hopelessly stuck in the mud and had to be pulled out. When asked why they were there they said that WAZE took them that way. Feel free to contact me for further details.
Antonio Agostini commented
Buongiorno, visto il crescente numero di moto "tuttoterreno" che si vendono in Europa (ma forse anche nel resto del mondo), non sarebbe una cattiva idea elaborare delle mappe per strade non asfaltate da poter percorrere con le moto (ad esempio come l'Eroica in Toscana), spesso facciamo dei weekend e non è molto facile trovare i percorsi, mentre l'Europa è piena di strade alternative non asfaltate. Grazie
Antonio Agostini commented
Buongiorno, visto il crescente numero di moto "tuttoterreno" che si vendono in Europa (ma forse anche nel resto del mondo), non sarebbe una cattiva idea elaborare delle mappe per strade non asfaltate da poter percorrere con le moto (ad esempio come l'Eroica in Toscana), spesso facciamo dei weekend e non è molto facile trovare i percorsi, mentre l'Europa è piena di strade alternative non asfaltate. Grazie
Marco Ribeiro commented
Atualmente no Brasil, infelizmente, não temos uma boa infraestrutura em nossas ruas e rodovias. E em muitos casos opto em utilizar trajetos os quais possuem ruas e/ou rodovias com melhor sinalização/asfalto de boa qualidade, ou seja, que não possuem buracos ou qualquer tipo de irregularidade. Seria interessante ao definirmos um trajeto no aplicativo, além de termos o caminho mais rápido, sermos também informados sobre a qualidade da rua que iremos trafegar.
Anonymous commented
Did you check "avoid dirt roads"?