Dynamic reporting buttons
It would be great to have the report buttons to
dynamically reorder according to highest usage. This could be on a per person or per region or all Waze basis.
I personally use the construction, vehicle stopped, and police reports the most.Preselect most commonly used options (e.g. type of hazard)
Dynamically create favourite buttons at the front of the list for the user's most commonly made reports.
Steven commented
It would have to be individually customized. If you have it reorder based on a particular region, then going from one region to another would cause it to change and would cause significantly more problems.
J S commented
I would like to add to this. Maybe allow user to populate map view with one or two of the most used/favorite reporting buttons.
For example, as user's driving, it's probably more convenient to have a couple of bigger buttons on the map view based on either his/her most reported events or his/her favorite events: vehicle stopped, police, construction. User would then just have to press one of those buttons instead of going through at least 3 steps to report.
Let's get this going!!!