Trip summary
Can you add a trip summary button to show how long trip took. I enjoy that feature on my regular gps so I can see how long it took each day to get home from work for example.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
tt commented
Not to mention calculating fuel consumption. All you would have to do is enter how many liters/gallons you put in the tank and where, a very simple add-on feature could calculate your fuel consumption.
Rostislav Zboril commented
Takové shrnutí.
Chris Mosely commented
Is this possible?
Tom commented
It would be easy to make a weekly/monthly report looking at speeding, Aggresive driving using The accelerometer..hard deceleration and acceleration are indicators of poor habits. Side acceleration is an indicator of taking corners too fast. WE use similar tools to coach driver at work. I would love to get this report to improve my kids driving habits.
Anonymous commented
Once the driving completed , and you got to your final point , summary screen (as it in google map) being shown with the drive summary (total time taken , average speed , distance traveled , etc ...)
Anonymous commented
Shows time spent after each trip
Anonymous commented
This would be great! Waze logs your data for the trip with ability to select any part of the road you were traveling on to check the speed at that time.
Courtney commented
It would be great for those of us who need to track business miles to be able to pull up a history by date in order to submit them for reimbursement.
francrubio commented
Like Google Maps Navigation does.
Trip time, diference between start ETA and arriving time, ecc. -
Mark Palzer commented
Rental car Mode.
I would like Waze to maintain a log (upon request of the user) of all tolls used during a time period as well as the tollways' websites to enable easy payment at the end of a trip or day. This will allow you to use the faster toll roads without all of the extra stopping when needed and averts the fines for using the fast lanes. This is especially true when renting. When traveling in the US and more so now throughout Europe there are a number of EZ Pass type toll roads that make it difficult to optimize your speed without hitting tolls. -
calmettes commented
I'm using waze every day to go to my office and to come back home.
I would
like to know the time it take every time and then be able to see how much time I spend ( statistically ) on traffic jam for my recurrent ( home-office-home) each day, over month, year.
All infos seems present but need to be logged and then accessible through a specific menu.Thanks
Carel commented
Hi there , i was thinking if it will be possible to log trips and kilos while navigating on waze ... that will be lovely. Specially for our reps going everywhere daily. Cause we struggle to find a auto logbook on app store , you have to pay for them ... and its not ever good...
Anonymous commented
I was just ticketed for going 57 in a curvy canyon going uphill in a small motor home. Seemed impossible to me so I thought if I had a way to save the speed I had been going over the last 15-30 minutes along with time and location I would have either verification or evidence contrary to the citation.
FrapaqQc commented
When I drive my motor cycle, I always use Waze and I would like to be able to record the trace of my ride.
Quand je roule en moto, j'utilise toujours Waze et j'aimerais pouvoir enregistrer la trace de ma balade.
Anonymous commented
In addition to how many MILES, include how many MINUTES - and for each individual trip.
I'd love to know how long it took to actually travel a particular trip and also for the week / month / year. -
Gerdami Des Betes commented
My car's built-in GPS has an option to show an overview of the remaining route, map North up.
A button to shortly display that overview would be welcome. -
Anonymous commented
Waze est une application génial dans la vie quotidienne. Une idée intéressante serait de connaitre les temps moyen de trajet sur l'année.
Pouvoir reporter l’itinéraire permet d'évaluer le temps de trajet mais seulement sur la semaine qui arrive. Il serait interessant de voir le temps moyen (minimum et maximum) sur le dernier mois, ou dernier trimestre...
Par exemple, en prévision d'un déménagement, on estimerait le temps futur pour aller au travail.Merci
Anonymous commented
The ability to log into app and look at the past X months of data (perhaps with the ability to limit the amount of data stored or a clear ALL functionality included), inclusive of;
Average Speed
Top Speed
Favorite Trip Avg. Speed
Specific Trip Time/Distance -
Anonymous commented
Be able to put in the name of the place that I am going to so when I look in the history, I know by name where I want to go.
George Venios commented
It would be great if there was a feature showing all driven kms - roads. Until now after a 3 month period the driven areas are lost (because you cannot edit them after that period). I suggest to have another tab showing all driven roads (with no permission to edit) giving to user a motivation to use WAZE more to unlock greater areas! So, on the profile to show all driven areas, total klms etc.