Trip summary
Can you add a trip summary button to show how long trip took. I enjoy that feature on my regular gps so I can see how long it took each day to get home from work for example.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not right now, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Jeff Burridge commented
By being able to track the speed you can use it court to show proof you were not actually speeding. I recently was pulled over for going the speed limit. I did not have the app open, but i do know it still is updated about my drives. However, I could not access the information because of such. But if you did have this app I could show an officer that I was in fact not speeding. He said I was going 19 mph over while i was in cruise control at 60mph on I 494 in minnesota. I was hoping to get a hold of someone who could help but i found this and i know thousands of people would love this ability!!
Anonymous commented
I would like to know my commute times as a daily commuter to work would be very helpful information to know average commute times by day of week based on historical data ideally I would be a rolling 30 day log of my commute times that I could have it on to see at a daily grain both to and from work start and stop times
סגל commented
להוסיף באפליקציה אופציה בה ניתן לראות כמה ק"מ נסעתי היום ואיזה מסלול עשיתי
Joe commented
can u add history route? from start till stop with average speed, total time spend?
Anonymous commented
I wish there was record of navigation with trip, total of kilometers and average speed.
Kevin Davitt commented
It would be great to be able to download the routes of a trip you've just taken. There's been some sights I've seen that I'd like to go back to but can't find exactly because the route was "WAZE" driven.
Anonymous commented
I think the same. know the average speed of each navigation or monthly
Anonymous commented
To add to would be great if trip data was exportable in a .csv format, or better in an API that could be integrated with popular expense management applications like concur. TripIt does this today, but I would rather use waze. All I would be looking for is start destination/end destination, total mileage, day and time to start. The other features like speed, time, etc. aren't important for expense mileage tracking.
Jan Willem commented
I could very well use this for logging my business miles/km's, so I'd really like this too!
Guy Ben-Betzalel commented
An addon feature to query for average driving times from location X to location Y on a, future, specific day and time. This will help plan driving times in advance and may also reduce driving times by evening traffic loads across times.
Paul commented
Record your trip, keep datas of your trip as good as Google's "My tracks" do.
Anonymous commented
Trip Log records and saves the information within the application. You can easily have the access to ALL the trips with just one click. Inside the Trip Log you can check your trip on the map, speed, average speed, maximum speed, distance, total time, etc. Want to share your driving experience or just compare your every day trips? With Trip Computer it’s easy as A, B, C. You can also export all the trips in available formats (CSV, KML, GPX) or even share with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or via email. -
Anonymous commented
At the end of a drive, give a quick overview of drive time, distance covered, amount of time spent in traffic. Bonus would be how much time it would have taken on an alternate route or "This is record time for your commute!" +6pts.
Anonymous commented
After traveling it would be nice to see actual travel time versus just... 4 minutes left etc.
Would be nice to see the average travel time for different routes I've taken to go to my common destinations.
Dave commented
Need to see last several navigation destinations like in previous version. Having to search through favorites or new searches for most frequent destinations is time consuming and frustrating! Not liking this version at all!!!
Christopher Ashby commented
Make an odometer to show how many miles you have traveled every week/month/year using Waze. You could have it count up the miles while you are driving also. I think this would be a great feature to track how far you've gone.
spannow commented
If you start navigating you will see a summary of the route.
This includes a line representing your route and the notifications and traffic conditions are shown.I would really really like to be able to see this overview when I want during the trip.
Best if it also shows my current position relative to my start (make purple what already have been driven). -
spannow commented
If you start navigating you will see a summary of the route.
This includes a line representing your route and the notifications and traffic conditions are shown.I would really really like to be able to see this overview when I want during the trip.
Best if it also shows my current position relative to my start (make purple what already have been driven). -
Anonymous commented
Il serait intéressant de pouvoir retrouver un tableau synthétique des parcours réalisés indiquant :
Lieu de départ
Lieu d'arrivée
Distance kilométrique
Date du parcours.Ma voiture est un outil de travail et il m'est indispensable d'avoir ces informations. J'utilise waze mais aucun applicatif ne propose de recueillir ces données.
Et pourquoi pas ne pas retrouver toutes ces informations sur le site internet waze dans un espace personnel ? -
the surgein commented
it does
log in as map editor
google does privacy raping for money