Speed Trap notifications
I'd like to see permanent or semi-permanent notifications for known speed traps. I'd also like to post about said traps so others don't get caught but can't figure out how to drop a notification remotely

Viacheslav Bukach commented
When there is a speed camera ahead show what is maximum appropriate speed there.
It is quite often when there is a camera, the speed limit on the road is lower then usual. This could lead to not needed penalties for drivers. Showing what is limit would definitely help saving money and time for people.
Please add this feature.
Thank you.
Gaston Van Camp commented
Would it be possible, in the near future, to have a version with the possibility of detecting speed cameras and a version without this possibility, because without this it will no longer be possible to use Waze in some countries under penalty of a fine.
Anonymous commented
hole" feature - in several "well developed" countries, authorities are not reparing road and reported potholes are regularly removed from Waze.
Bob commented
We have an area of interstate about 20 miles .That has several cars running speed trap eveyday. It would be nice to have a speed trap warning pop up. Make the road a certain color for this area.
Anonymous commented
Allow us to report long street work and construction site traffic lights, adding the days. More than the usually short time to post icon on maps
Anonymous commented
האם אפשר לציין במפה באיזה מס קילומטר אני נמצא בכביש זה חשוב לנו מאד משום שאנו עובדים בכבישים ומשתמשים הרבה בארי עבודה לפי מס קילומטר נכון שזה מסומן בכביש אבל זה יותר נוח לראות בוויז בפרט כשאתה נמצא בין לבין
Morin commented
On ne sait pas quand on approche de la limite
Cela gène l'accélèration. -
Vlad commented
Permanent marking of dangerous point - accidents every week/month, especially during winter. This is about safety!
Anonymous commented
Would be great to have the speed trap notifications on all the time regardless of your speed. For example in the U.K. We have variable speed limits on motorways which activate gantry cameras. So you get no voice warning when going under the standard speed limit.
Sean commented
100% agree. Driving to my house, there's a speed trap where the speed limit inexplicably drops to 40 MPH for a couple hundred yards - clearly just a revenue-driver for the local government. I almost never get a police warning from Waze - we're all just too desensitized. But, there are police manning the same trap often. We need a way to permanently mark known speed traps. Or, make Waze smart enough to recognize when police are reported in the same spot often enough to permanantly mark and report it as a known speed trap.
nohab commented
Yes, it is crazy when i report a really dangerous pothole and the warning disappears until next morning - and the pothole is still there for over a month or more.
Anonymous commented
Wazers should be able to mark speed cameras.
Clerio Alves commented
Some potholes take time to be fixed and until this happens, the alert should be maintained up to the first "Not There" is reported.
Jorge Alfaro commented
When driving on the freeways you see a vehicle speeding by. There should be an option that can warn wazers maybe up to 5 miles ahead of you that a driver is speeding and approaching you. I just thought it would be nice to try to anticipate it coming
Maciel commented
Where I live (Brazil) the average "lifetime" of a pothole may vary from several days, weeks or even months, depending on where they are, and weather.
But is annoying try to alert other users from potholes: If I do a pothole report in the morning, at evening the report has disappeared, everyday. Then I gave up. The timeout is TOO short.
Would be better if the pothole alerts remain until some user hit "not there", or more users hit "not there" than "thanks". -
Paul commented
In areas where police regularly set up a radar trap, allow Waze users to flag these areas on the map as a zone to be aware of the high probability of police being there.
Steve Smith commented
The ability to mark and detail certain hazards, police locations and accidents is wonderful. In order to further assist WAZERS, would it be possible to identify certain points/locations were police commonly set up speed traps or set up radar? Maybe a Marker that can be set as on or off? To ensure people aren't setting random locations, maybe you could find police locations that are repeatedly reported a certain number of times. Once it has reached a set number of reports then it could become a permanent marker. Would gladly discuss further over email or phone.
Keep up the amazing work. Thanks Waze!!
Mike Bronner commented
Semi-permanent alerts, like Construction Zones, potholes, and the like, should have a default life of a two weeks or more, and not be cleared the next day.
Also, users should be able to mark these as cleared when they are resolved.