Limit traffic alerts to same country/smaller area
There's no point in showing alerts from 2000+ km away. Most people are only interested in alerts in their immediate area.
On Android, iPhone and next versions of Symbian and WM, you can set a radius for alerts. Go to general settings.
Tomáš commented
Hi people. There is a better idea that follows this one - only show alerts relevant for your current route - pls vote here
Alexander Lifanov commented - i see problem fixed.
Alexander Lifanov commented
Android - at which version does this option appear? - no such thing. -
Simon Porter commented
This should be marked as completed as of waze v2
fvwazing commented
Booooo! Please, leave the default as is! Nothing makes you more aware that the world is a global village than seeing, at night, that there are trafficjams at the other end of the world. Besides, it will pass over if Waze ever gets a penetration of maybe 1%, since there will be hundreds of reports within a reasonable range then. It will be gone and leave us with a feeling of nostalgia, as in "the times! You could see trafficjams as far as Venezuela!".
Yael Elish commented
Hey wazers. This one is definitely on our list for next version and is likely to make it in. We are looking at two additions here: Ability to set radius + A filter in live event showing events on route only (when in nav mode)