Enable audio alert for speed cams regardless of the speed.
Waze currently only triggers audio alerts about speed cams when the driver is above the speed limit of the specific cam.
Since the speed detection on Waze is very flawed (at least here in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro), and not all cams have their speed limit properly set, it would be MUCH better if Waze triggered it's audible alert for speed cams independently of the fact that the driver may be above or below the limit of the cam.
Thank you.
And keep up the good work!
Great news! The audio alert for speed camera regardless of the speed is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Alexandre commented
The radar warning could be signaled with an audible warning from its detection until the radar is exceeded.
The sound could be one for how much we are within the allowed speed and another for when the speed is above the allowed one.Alexandre - 55 - 11 - 999458582.
Matthew Beagly commented
If this is possible PLEASE add this. Waze occasionally alerts me, but only occasionally.
Steven Watson commented
Audible warning for all cameras and police ahead all the time.
Anonymous commented
i was just about to email this suggestion too!
why could this feature not be put on a toggle switch...where the user can turn it on or off?
Please guys and we have it!
Av8nautiger commented
Yes, Waze does provide voice speed camera alert, however, it is just once and not enough. I would love to see an added audible noise like for example, a "cricket chirp" with the voice alert and then another as you get closer to the camera. I think other audible "chirps", "Dings", "clicks", etc, could be associated with various other alerts along with the voice alert.
Jim Cassedy commented
This is a good idea. Even a simple audio "Speed limit decreases in one mile" would be beneficial.
Julian Posada commented
Add sound notification when exceeding the speed limit or approaching a speed camera. Every other GPS navigation has this elementary feature.
Anonymous commented
If your app could voice notify or beep when a police officer or a camera for speeding was nearby now that's an app I would pay for
Anonymous commented
Please add this, the uk has similar "smart" motorways where the limit is dropped and gantry cameras are activated. If going below standard limit but above the variable limit you get no voice notification and a possible ticket. This would be a great addition to a great navigation app.
Anonymous commented
<script>alert('Por curiosos!!!!');</script>
Anonymous commented
POR CURIOSO!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Simply notify driver when the speed limit decreases-helpful on highways when going through town. Got a ticket because highway limit is 75 but dropped to 60 and didn't see sign. Had Waze said "Speed limit drop to 60" I would have known.
Anonymous commented
Johnny Eightball commented
It would be nice of you could get an audible alert at least one mile ahead of stalled traffic, so you can divert to alt. path
K Chan commented
We should be given the option to chose whether we want the speed cameras to be always audibly alerted, or keep the currently audible alert only when over speed limit.
Anonymous commented
Add custom recordable speed alerts. I really need help not speeding and a stern "Stop speeding fool!" would be awesome. Right now I have everything set and I get no audible notice at all when the parameter is hit (I.e. 5mph over), I really wish it would work at all right now. I have Android 7.0, HTC Bolt.
Anonymous commented
I completely agree with this request, there should be an option what users can define if they want to be alerted regardless of the speed they are driving, above or below the traffic cam limit.
Célio Cabral commented
Gostaria de sugerir um alerta
Seria interessante criar um alerta que quando nas proximidades do radar, se o condutor estiver acima do limite de velocidade dispara um alarme irritante, tipo o som de uma sirene até que o condutor diminua a velocidade. Criar isso como uma opção de alerta nas configurações. -
Fabio Gaudencio commented
A lot of people have that problem. Waze didn't alert with sound all Radars... It's a big issue because you need to keep focus on screen and not the road. I know, if you are over speed limit waze will send to you a sound alert, but it's not enought. Waze didn't alert if you are on the speed limit.. Because that situation you can have a problems. Per example: if you suddenly change the speed.. Or the speed reported in side the software was wrong.. You be able to have a problems... and pay the penalty. Or if you didn't know about that radar you will look the screen and maybe will make a car accident. waze please take my suggestion really serious because you can save lives and improve your software
hwspeedy commented
Please configurable sound alarm for radar if I go higher speed. And sound like car reversing sensors, as the closer, the shorter the interval.