Enable audio alert for speed cams regardless of the speed.
Waze currently only triggers audio alerts about speed cams when the driver is above the speed limit of the specific cam.
Since the speed detection on Waze is very flawed (at least here in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro), and not all cams have their speed limit properly set, it would be MUCH better if Waze triggered it's audible alert for speed cams independently of the fact that the driver may be above or below the limit of the cam.
Thank you.
And keep up the good work!
Great news! The audio alert for speed camera regardless of the speed is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Fabio Gaudencio commented
A lot of people have that problem. Waze didn't alert with sound all Radars... It's a big issue because you need to keep focus on screen and not the road. I know, if you are over speed limit waze will send to you a sound alert, but it's not enought. Waze didn't alert if you are on the speed limit.. Because that situation you can have a problems. Per example: if you suddenly change the speed.. Or the speed reported in side the software was wrong.. You be able to have a problems... and pay the penalty. Or if you didn't know about that radar you will look the screen and maybe will make a car accident. waze please take my suggestion really serious because you can save lives and improve your software
hwspeedy commented
Please configurable sound alarm for radar if I go higher speed. And sound like car reversing sensors, as the closer, the shorter the interval.
Anonymous commented
Uma outra implementação interessante seria um alarme sonoro para radares, um bipe que fosse se intensificando a medida que se aproxima do radar e caso a velocidade esteja acima do permitido que seja um som específico (ex. sirene) para esse caso. É mais fácil ouvir o bipe que vai se intensificando com a proximidade do radar, do que prestar atenção no alarme visual que aparece hoje. (Esse recurso existe a muito tempo no IGO 8 e é muito útil.)
John P. commented
I honestly think that In many ways Waze is great. Really not trying to rhyme. One area I have to say Waze falls short is it's speed trap alerts. Getting two violations within 3 days of each other is totally unacceptable!! Waze should emulate Garmins speed trap alerts. To date I have not found one app that compares to Garmin when it comes to alerts. Yes, I'm sure I will get critized for posting this but lets compare. Garmin - provides varying intense audio and visual alerts up to, during and until the end of speed traps vs. Waze - speed trap reported ahead. Cmon, really wtf. Sorry, that's not cutting it for today's modern road warriors such as myself who depend on technology to guide of thorugh rigorous day to day travel experiences. Waze, you can and should do much better. Put on your big boy panties and show us what you got.
Scott Caddaye commented
I was recently driving near a speed and red-light camera. I was driving just under the speed limit. The light went orange so I accelerated to clear it before red. I got a $300 fine for speeding. I believe that Waze - in its current state - would have never given me an audible warning in this situation. If I had been warned a few hundred metres before the camera that it was a red-light AND a speed camera - I would have slammed on the brakes. I have since started using a Tom Tom app that warns me loudly and clearly in advance - regardless of whether I am speeding or not - and now know when to hit the brakes. It would be nice to be able to use Waze only though - rather than relying on additional apps to supplement where Waze is lacking. Note that I have also recently tested several car GPS navigators and also over a dozen apps for speed cameras - and all have the ability to generate an audible warning regardless of whether I am speeding.
Anonymous commented
Sinto Falta de um Aviso SONORO, nos alertando dos Radares, evitaria nossa tirada de atenção de tudo em nossa Volta.
Anonymous commented
Possibiliter d'annoncer le radar dans le tunnel et de recevoir l'information avant (pas de GPS)
Anonymous commented
There should be a setting to sound alarm continuously until you pass a red light camera or a speed trap camera. Also an option to avoid all speed traps and red light cameras would be great. ... thanks
Jonas Batista commented
beep option always
Jonas Batista commented
opcao de sinal sonoro sempre
David bohorquez commented
David bohorquez commented
Me gustaría que donde hay radares de velocidad aparte que salga el aviso en la pantalla tengamos la oportunidad de escuchar un pitido una alarma especias de sonido ya que todo el tiempo uno no va mirando el teléfono. Gracias
javier commented
no todos los radares los notifican, podrían ser que laVoz se escuche un poco más a la hora de dar una indicación o reportar alguna notificación, en elRadar lo suyo es que te avise un par de kilómetros antes con un bep que a medida que te acercases al radar suene más seguido y si estás por encima del límite del radar te lo notifique con un beep y destello en la pantalla. -además de decir la velocidad permitida del radar.
shellcracker7 commented
Exceedingly dangerous curves (especially those where a lot of people have already died in accidents) could be entered into a database with data including the maximum safe speed at which they could be navigated by a normal vehicle. With a database of that sort, and the speed monitoring ability Waze already has, Waze could determine if you're approaching one of those curves too fast and an audible warning could tell you to slow down. Perhaps many lives could be saved with such a feature. Some police might not like it that Waze warns people about speed traps, but they should like this kind of warning system and they might help provide info for the database of dangerous curves because they're supposed to be primarily interested in public safety.
Alexandre David Felisberto commented
Stéphane Leroy commented
Il me semble que cette option est déjà disponible dans les paramètres du compteur.
Cordialement -
Anonymous commented
Bonjour. L'affichage du compteur est excellente. Et celui de l'alerte de vitesse maximum aussi. Mais serait-il possible d'afficher l'alerte en permanence, au lieu de seulement "à la limite" et "au-dessus de la limite"?
Peut-être une option à ajouter dans une prochaine mise à jour....
merci pour votre superbe application !!! -
Anonymous commented
Users should be able to control if speed and red light cameras cause an AUDIBLE alarm no matter what the car speed is.
tetitons commented
seria recomendable que los avisos de peligro que hacen otros conductores te los leyera por voz, si ya lo hace en mi caso no los lee, por otro lado hay radares fijos que te sale el radar en la pantalla pero no los lee por voz ,ejemplo de castellon de la plana N340 a Sant Carles de la Rapita hay radares que unos los habla y otro no
vince1612 commented
@MrN0isy: Please stop trying to spread false information. You were already told twice that this was never the default behavior in Waze previously and therefor it was never changed to something else.
But thanks for voting this up.