Enable audio alert for speed cams regardless of the speed.
Waze currently only triggers audio alerts about speed cams when the driver is above the speed limit of the specific cam.
Since the speed detection on Waze is very flawed (at least here in Brazil/Rio de Janeiro), and not all cams have their speed limit properly set, it would be MUCH better if Waze triggered it's audible alert for speed cams independently of the fact that the driver may be above or below the limit of the cam.
Thank you.
And keep up the good work!
Great news! The audio alert for speed camera regardless of the speed is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Chris Cowley commented
I don't seem to get any audio alerts for Speed Cameras at all. Just the pulsing circle on the map display. I'm having to go back to using the Tom Tom Go app, as this provides audible alerts for all Speed Cameras and Red Light Cameras regardless of my current speed. I consider this to be a show-stopping omission in Waze. Sorry.
Anonymous commented
A Paris Nous sommes de plus en plus verbalisés pour des infractions = non respect du sas de velo devant un feu par exemple (pas vraiment dangereux) : il faudrait indiquer les cameras de videoverbalisation (dome et leur portée)
Ewaldo Quint commented
Gostaria de sugerir o Waze ter uma opção de alertar radares mesmo você estando numa velocidade abaixo do radar.
Em algumas situações em que você está em um transito (atrás de um caminhão por exemplo), e ao ultrapassar este caminhão, você se depara com um radar bem a frente, que não havia sido alertado. -
David Sommer commented
Make it clearer when you are over the speed limit.
My main use case is using Waze to check if I am over the speed limit. I know the route to work well, so don’t need the mapping as much as the speed, but it is very subtle if you are going too fast - a red border to the box. Can there be an option to have the bar at the bottom go red (instead of grey) if you are over the speed limit as that would help alert the driver. Note that audio alerts are not good for this as I don’t want the voice going directions as I know the route - I’d like to only be alerted when over the speed limit. This would be an option that users could opt in to.
Deb commented
Couple of suggestions. I use Waze everyday here in Australia and speed limits chnagr rapidly here.
1. Waze only alerts you once every few minutes upon breaching the speed limit. I know it can be annoying to some users to be alerted every time you cross the limit, but it can be a very useful feature to many others. Can an option be given to the users to alert every time speed limit is crossed?
2. There are so many roads here where the posted speed limits change. A voice announcement every time it changes will be very useful.
3. Waze does not account for school zone speed limits on school days. Can this be implemented?
4. It could be very handy to show gas prices on the map while using CarPlay. Can this be done? -
Anonymous commented
Sería muy útil y atraería a muchos compañeros que waze avisara siempre con aviso sonoro de los radares fueras a la velocidad que fuera por que los camiones y furgones aquí en España tienen restricciones específicas de velocidad y así estaríamos siempre avisados aunque no podamos ver la pantalla
Mike Owens commented
especially since we can no longer resize the map and have it stay at the desired size/distance. When it goes to highway it shows 3 or 4 miles down the road and very hard to discern what alerts are what. Change the map back to where it will hold whatever size we set it to.
Ricky Valdivia commented
Or add a personalized speed limit input! This will make all users happy.
Ricky Valdivia commented
I completely agree! Speed Camera must be advise allways! Or at least, when you are over 70%-80% of speed limit...
enrique commented
El aviso de radares y camaras que lo diga siempre por voz no solo cuando superas la velocidad.
Marfield Labiaga Bautista commented
When driving and I speed or not noticing the app. It would be good if the audio alert is persistent so I know if I am continuously speeding and I would slow down and stay on the speed limit. In a given to edit it on the options if I want this feature turn off or leave it on.
Mozzer commented
Would also be good if there was an option of a recurring notification sound.
Hamish commented
Please tell all your friends to vote up as well. Numbers of variable speed limit cameras increasing by the day in UK as well as the obvious possibility that you can be accelerating while approaching camera and don't get a warning
Anonymous commented
See this request all over the web but dont see Waze addressing it. Please respond!
Anonymous commented
Hurry up please.
Charles Su commented
I would like to have an option to a non-voice option for all alerts -- different sounds for different events.
Himukala commented
Please add 'below speed limit' options or +/- speed option. This will help also to compensate for inaccuracy in calculating the speed.
Anonymous commented
Also very useful where variable speed limit is in place.
Rick commented
I have lost the red light voice announcement. How do i get it back.
MadMaxDF commented
Por que até hoje não há apresentação ou visualização da velocidade do radar ao alertar???
Ao alertar por velocidade acima do radar, o alerta poderia cobrir a tela, ou metade dela, com a velocidade limite piscando em vermelho, e não discretamente no canto da tela...