Waze for Motorcycles
I think we should get Waze for motorcycles active. Especially for Asian markets!
Thank you for your suggestion! As you may know, Waze already has Motorcycle Mode included in the app. To change your vehicle type, tap Settings > Car Details > Vehicle type.
Menny Barzilay commented
For people who frequently use different vehicles (sometimes they use their car and sometimes their motorcycle), it is hard to remember the change the vehicle type every time you start a ride. Also, changing it requires many "clicks". It would be great if you could allow the users who want it, to make the app ask with every ride, the vehicle type.
טל ברוש commented
To open an options to advertising only for motorcycles bikers or cars
Patrick Desmidt commented
It would be nice to get a separate settings on car and motorcycle. When i ride the motorcycle i always ride highway disabled and loudspeaker also disabled so i can hear the instructions on the helmet. With the car settings i set highway enabled and loudspeaker on to get the instructions from my device
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Br_And commented
Create a category for motorcycle users.
Motorcycle category with for specific mechanics and motorcycles stores
nowadays we are putting these places only for motorcycles in the same car category of shops/auto mechanics
Robert Vartanian commented
What happened to the motorcycle icon?
Grant Holmes commented
Also on my motorcycle mode. You MUST have the data to guess how often I shift. I'd LOVE an app that told me that!
Grant Holmes commented
I'd love to have it remember my preferences switching from MC to personal car. I NEVER want to be on an interstate on my bike, but if I change it, and switch to "car" it stays off. Two definable modes would be great!
ERIK commented
I try that mode, hoping to use Waze during my motorcycle trip during weekends, but the road suggestion doesn't offer curved road, like other motorcycle Trip planner application. Motorcycle during their vacation time, want to avoid hudge highway, and like mountain, curved,... Having that option would be nice. Or we can import GPX file from competitor applications in Waze to benefit their expertise, and yours as well
Michael Simpson commented
I'm not certain how to enable motorcycle mode. The original author is correct about CA lane splitting. Another issue is that on a motorcycle, it is difficult to aver confirm or deny alerts. We just ride by as our gloves tend not to work with the phone touch displays. I have a pad that is supposed to help, but it is pretty marginal.
When a user starts Waze, if Waze has seen moto mode before, it should ask from the onset if this is a motorcycle trip.
Steve commented
I utilized the motorcycle mode yesterday as soon as I updated the program. Great job on not constantly trying to reroute around traffic! Is it possible however to make the ETA somewhat more realistic? I left work at 5:30 pm for a 22 mile commute home. Using the Car Mode, the ETA was 59 minutes. When I switch to motorcycle mode it showed 22 minutes! I ride this every day and know that it takes more between 32 and 38 minutes depending on the amount of lane splitting required. Even the fastest lane splitter I know could never have done the commute in 22 minutes! Maybe the calculation could be 20 mph faster than the average reported speed up to 50, then utilize the average speed? Could be much more realistic and let me utilize the motorcycle mode while still giving my family a good estimate of my ETA. Just some thoughts. Thanks
Edwin Sinaga commented
I support this idea, especially there will be streets with banning motorcycles in Indonesia. The bikers have optios to avoid such streets.
Guillaume commented
il serait bien de pouvoir avoir une fonction de navigation pour les motards, car en général, nous ne sommes pas trop affectés par les bouchons. Donc quand on utilise Waze et qu'il nous demande de faire des détours pour les contourner, par moment sait plus pénalisant qu'autre chose.
Si non j'utilise Waze pour mes déplacements et j'en suis très content.
Merci a toutes l'équipe de développeurs. -
GSPATTON56 commented
Hello, I drive with a caravan and therefore, I sometimes encounter the same problems some trucks. I greatly appreciate this app, but I regret that no cares different templates. Indeed, with a caravan, we can not always go through the proposed routes or proposed axes can be close to circulate with an imposing ensemle. Would it be possible to develop the application for a selection that takes into account, pedestrians, cars, tractor-trailers (caravans)? I think there, it would be the ultimate. Thank you for your interest in my request. Cordially.
Translated with Google translator -
Anonymous commented
I commute daily on my motorcycle in the Bau Area, CA. I run Waze on a handlebar mount so I can get road alerts. I can't help but think that since land splitting/sharing is allowed, I am skewing the drive time data by moving faster then normal traffic. A motorcycle mode would allow me to receive traffic reports without pushing false data to 90% of the drivers out there.
Rarebit commented
I also had a few ideas on that... search for example to your right for "improve routing nice car motor".
Chris commented
There are a few suggestions on here that partially talk around this issue so I thought I'd condense into a specific requirement.
By default as a motorcyclist, Waze thinks I'm a car. There a few issues with this:
1. Of course the arrival ETA will be off but that's not the biggest problem
2. If road A is slightly slower in a car than road B, Waze may choose road B as the preferred option but that road might be very narrow and won't allow filtering whereas road A would and would actually be quicker.
3. We're currently creating spurious data for Waze (other Wazers in cars are reporting this road to be <10mph but we're reporting it to be 20mph)The solution to these issues is to create a specific vehicle choice of a motorcycle. Combine all the incoming data from this group as a separate dataset to manage route planning, traffic volumes and average road speeds for us on 2 wheels.
There's an added benefit to Wazers in cars here too as removing the spurious data from motorcyclists should improve accuracy or arrival times etc.
Anonymous commented
Take into account the ability to lane filter so traffic is not a problem. I worry that my trip info is giving incorrect data to the traffic information. Enhanced voice directions because I don't look at my phone while it's in my pocket but I listen to directions through my headset.
kevin amstutz commented
For motorcycles
AntonioRifiuti commented
The same for me in France, I'm moving faster than a car, so my time travel can not be recorded as the same as a car.