Toll roads
If user could use settings to set something like "use toll roads if it shortens the time on the road for at least XX minutes" or "use toll road if fuel economy if more then $XX". Waze gives us multiple routs from A to B, sometimes it is better to use toll road, sometimes it cuts only about 5-6 minutes from the trip (or less) - still not the reason to use toll road, too expensive for this outcome. But sometimes toll road is way better, so we don't want to forbid waze to suggest us toll-roads. I think you have all the data and tools you need to make this feature possible.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Yair Maimon commented
I constantly have "Avoid Toll Roads" turned off, since I do use toll roads occasionally and would like to have the option to consider them, but it is often that either I'm not in a hurry, or that they don't really offer a much better route than the freeway option.
This has led to my habit of opening up the "Additional Routes" menu to see if there's a secondary option to the toll road that might be better for me.I would suggest an option to simply state that a toll road is not my primary preference, and that I would only like it to show up as an "Additional Route" option, letting me choose to look for it easily enough if I feel in haste or if my first option feels too long for my taste.
Scott Walker commented
Instead of Avoid / Use Toll Roads, I want to specify the price I am willing to pay for each minute saved. This will help Wazers to avoid Toll Roads when they don't make sense. $6 to save 1 minute? No thanks. I am willing to pay tolls when they make sense, but I want to be able to trust Waze to make a decision that fits with my price tolerance.
Related to this, the price should always show up on the alternate routes view, and when the route is first calculated. Pricing based on a standard, 2 axle passenger vehicle is fine for the first version.
Add a warning when approaching toll booths.
Anonymous commented
אפשרות שלא תמיד יתן לי כביש אגרה כאופציה המהירה ביותר כאשר הזמן הנחסך לא עולה מעל 7 דקות למשל.. שאני יוכל להגדיר כמה זמן אני יעדיף
Aimak Rokalno commented
When reviewing the rutes alternatives Waze should show the total toll cost of the route and the pay methods available.
George Pligor commented
If it is difficult to automate toll roads, at least change the user input.
We would need a toll road for far distances/long drives but we would NOT prefer tolls for short distances/short drives.
(I guess setting it by distance or time is dependent from this other setting where you declare if you want the quickest or the shortest path)
So the user could have a bar to calibrate how far/how long should a drive be before the toll roads become attractive. This can be calibrated easily because now I need to turn it on/off too frequently.
Bad user experience means that some people that I know do not use gps systems at all because of the frustration from things like that. -
Curtis commented
Allow in settings to give a threshold where toll roads should be allowed.
I would take a toll road to save 20 minutes if it was only $2 for example.
the surgein commented
vote for
Waze API
Ed commented
For those of us who live next to a toll road, we need to disable toll road full time because we don't want to pay toll every day we use Waze for local commutes like going to a restaurant nearby. But when we travel far we forget that we disabled tolls for good and take 7 hours to drive a route that should take only 5. If Waze had an option to disable toll roads within 10 miles from home while allowing tolls farther from home that would help a lot.
lindq commented
Here, the "toll road" is a way to implement congestion fees which are time dependent. For my daily commute, I can stay within one zone (no fees) or go through another. Normally I want to avoid the fee (so I have Avoid Toll roads ON), but if I need to go from "inside" to "outside", there will be no way to avoid the fee, so I have to switch it to OFF. This could happen more often. Also on weekends there is no fee and thus I don't care where they are, so then I want to use the OFF setting as well.
Suggest to have a setting of "ASK" which says "Your route is along a toll road, do you want to check for non-toll roads?" -
Frank S. commented
YES. I generally want to avoid toll roads, but not if it's going to add 10 minutes or more to my drive. The toll/no toll option is too inflexible.
José A Garcia commented
When planning a route with toll alternatives, ask if you want to use it, or not, or only if you save more than X minutes or kilometers/miles