Have the voice of Allen Rickman
Have the voice of Allen Rickman/Severus Snape navigate you.

Thank you for your suggestion. We will add this voice request to our User Request wish-list.
Anonymous commented
Yes! I vote for Alan!!
Kara Hunnicutt commented
Snape tell me to go to exit 394 will make my hear happy.
Angela Hill commented
Please make Alan Rickman's voice an option!!! Especially now that he's passed. If you made it Snape's voice I can almost guarantee that you would get a ton more users just for that!
Chris commented
When an alert pops up, the pop up window should say when it was 1st reported AND more importantly, the last time someone thumbs upped it. I know you can individually check the alerts, and see when 1st reported, but not safe or easy when driving. If an alert was reported 38 mins ago it's usually not very reliable, but if someone were to thumbs up that report 3 mins ago you know it's still there.