Lock the chosen route
When i choose a route, I want the option to just follow that without change! Sometimes waze changes the route because of allegedly less traffic route, but the reroute takes me longer & farther! Sometimes I just want to stick with the original route! Give us this choice!

Carl Breving commented
I agree completely. I frequently choose a route with no tolls even though it adds a bit of time. Then, Waze realizes it later and tells me there is a faster way, which is $13 more expensive. It doesn’t give me an option to decline the change.
J S commented
Once I have chosen a route leave it there it's fine to offer to change but don't just change without giving option to keep.om chosen route waze artomatically re-directing can be dangerous
Dave Carosella commented
When driving home I prefer the expressway. Less distractions, not bikes or dog walkers. Straight easier. Preferred. I don’t care if it’s 7min longer! Stop re routing me! And CarPlay changed he interface now you can’t decline the rerouting you can only press Ok and acknowledge it changed and then ask for routes and re select the preferred route again.. until it tries to re route you again 6mons later! Happened 4-5x on my drive home today. Please fix this!!
Aurélien BLONDEL commented
Came here to suggest this as well. If you don't pick the main itinerary and you're taking the wrong turn, Waze will automatically route you back to the main itinerary. This is VERY frustrating, to say the least.
Tomas Ang commented
would love to see the "lock route" option. Waze automatically changing routes is very annoying especially when I'm on a motorcycle with gloves!
Peter Hollman commented
With an option to lock in the planned route in the planning stage. Having an accept or reject icon whilst driving is a extremely high risk with eye off road. With cameras picking up users of phone, large fines and licence loss will occur.
Ronald Howard commented
I don’t mind Waze suggesting an alternate route but the only selectable button is “OK’. There should be at a minimum a button to reject the alternate route. When I return home from the lake I always select the route I want to take because it includes a turnpike that is new, has very little traffic and the speed limit is 80 mph as opposed to 70 mph on the interstate. Almost every time Waze changes my route and I have to take my concentration away from driving to messing with Waze. DANGEROUS!
Pierre Fournier commented
I have a motorcycle and sometimes enjoy riding through vast plains and forests. In this case, after setting my destination, I will manually select a route I know (or hope!) I will enjoy. While riding, Waze will say "Hey, I found another route that will be faster. CHANGING!" and I'm like... whaaaaat?
So I stop, set back the route that I have specifically selected by hand and get back on the road. Again, Waze changes my route. Leave my route alone! I have selected a route for my personal enjoyment and not because I'm in a hurry. Do NOT touch it, I WANT this route!
Please have an option to prevent Waze from optimizing a route or, at the very least ask "Route X will save you Y minutes. Do you wish to change it?" with options "Yes", "No", "Always" and "Never".
Cara commented
Came here to also suggest the ability to lock a route. If I know that taking Waze's suggestion based on traffic will LIKELY result in my going far off my preferred route only to find that traffic fills in while I'm on my way to Waze's suggested route - I'd like to lock in a route I know will be tolerable. I want to use Waze on a "preferred" route because I still want to see hazards and police and upcoming traffic - but I don't want to be rerouted, sometimes.
(Wouldn't be a bad idea to allow us to REFUSE a specific roadway, while being routed, too - maybe there is a better route besides my preferred route that doesn't go to that interstate that always ends up jammed up!)
Paul Mahoney commented
When I choose a route, there should be a way to keep Waze from redirecting back to a route I did NOT choose. In Raleigh, NC, 540 has much less traffic and construction than route 1 to interstate 40 when traveling from south of the city to the airport. But Waze keeps directing me back to US 1. I is hugely annoying! I understand there is a crowd-source/traffic-based algorithm, but I should be allowed to choose a different route. I end up following Waze so I don't miss the exit off 540 I orginally wanted.
Anonymous commented
Agree because its always rerouting automatically a wrong way everytime gps signal is low. If that option is available we can just follow the original route, i always get lost whenever gps is low specially in cities where there are high rises buildings.
Thanks much