next service station - distance/time
On a long drive it'd be handy to be able to see:-
"Service station 1 - 3miles/5mins"
"Service station 2 - 45miles/38minutes"
Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Currently Not Planned, since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
Wojciech commented
If I set a destination that is say 500km away and I search for a petrol station / restaurant or other object type, I would like to be able to choose in what distance to search for the object - for example I am insterested for petrol station in 80-120m from here, because I ran out of fuel in 150km - so I am not interested in petrol station 200km away - such search results are useless to me.
The problem now is that currently results come from random places, often from 500km away, which makes the search petrol station almost useless when driving on a longer trip.
Veridiana commented
Create options that shows the closest subway station, bus stop, hospital, police station from where you are. It can be done by creating buttons for these options. It calculates the distance by car, bus and foot.