Create a "dangerous spot" alert
I live in São Paulo - Brazil, and unfortunately we have a serious problem with violence in traffic.
Just a few days ago I was a victim of an armed robbery in a very know avenue, and we have a lot of spots that this kind of action is frequent.
So, my suggestion is that drivers can allert and input information like this so waze can identify this spots and maybe even suggest a detour depending on time day (since this actions are much more frequent at late hours).
These kind of data would also be very helpsful to police forces to being more effective to figth this problem.
Hope I can collaborate to better traffic!
Great thinking! The issue you raised has been addressed in a recent redesign. Hope you like it!
Márcio André commented
Assim evitariamos de correr risco de vida.
Mateus commented
Nós sabemos que o Waze vem sendo o melhor GPS e usado para muitas coisas.
Qual seria a minha ideia aqui nesse grupo...
Nós sabemos que as vezes o GPS em São Paulo acaba instruindo nossos usuários próximo ou dentro de comunidades. E o risco acaba sendo muito alto.
Caso tivesse a possibilidade do usuário do aplicativo (Waze), ser avisado quando for colocar o endereço de destino. Sobre os locais onde tivesse uma taxa de risco alto, fosse indicado no app e o cliente também tivesse a possibilidade de indicar áreas com alto risco de assalto, que fosse analisada criteriosamente pelo grupo de suporte do próprio (Waze).
Também se o usuário que no caso tivesse uma moto de “alto valor” optasse por usar o app do (Waze) tivesse outra plataforma que teria acesso e o endereço que ele quiser ir o app (Waze) vai procurar a melhor rota além de evitar passar perto de áreas de risco de assalto.
Espero que tenha entendido meu modo de pensar, meu método está formalizado mentalmente, talvez poça ser que eu não consegui expressar melhor.
Meu único objetivo é tentar ajudar a diminuir a quantidade de assaltos que vem acontecendo em São Paulo e em outras regiões. Pensando lá na frente para que isso poderia ser até mesmo uma campanha contra a criminalidade!
Yadira Sanabria Pacheco commented
Hola.Mi sugerencia es crear una opción de reportar zonas inseguras, zonas donde uno va pasando y ve ladrones robando otros carros o tratando de robarlos con el fin de que las personas eviten pasar por ahí o sean súper cuidadosos de tener sus ventanas arriba o no dejar objetos a la vista de personas afuera para evitar pasar por esa lamentable situación. De igual forma, revisar si la policía tiene acceso a estos reportes de los usuarios con el fin de reaccionar más rápidamente ante este tipo de situaciones. Ojalá la vea pronto en las opciones de reportar. Gracias por su atención.
Wilfred Rocco commented
No se pueden marcar barrios peligrosos porque eso es estigmatizar a la gente que vive en el sector. Si no es el gobierno el que decide marcar esos barrios como tal, Waze poco tiene que hacer allí.
Robyn commented
En un transcurso de 2 semanas, waze me guio por 2 barrios peligrosos, deberia haber una advertencia o evitar dichos barrios (Excepto que uno viva ahi).
Yendo a Parque patricios, me quizo guiar por la villa 11.14 gracias a que iba con alguien que me lo advirtio evite ese lugar.
A la otra semana de Merlo a Moron me hizo meter por una villa llena de lomas de burro, donde tenia que frenar en cada esquina por las mismas y solo me apure para salir lo mas rapido posible, ya que esta vez iba sola y nadie fuera de waze me lo pudo advertir.
WAZE da tantos reportes y se olvida de algo tan importante como esto? Porfavor manos a la obra, sino tendre que guiarme de otra manera.
Anonymous commented
In Brazil Waze already inform this "dangerous spot areas". But there is no way to contribute on that information. I think that Waze/Google work on this information offline with the city authorities.
Ana María commented
That has happen also to me, I live in Colombia an there are some streets or areas that are too dangerous to drive in, you can get robbed or something worst, and of course sometimes I have to drive alone and I'm a woman so it's even worst :(
Caio Dantas commented
It would be great if Waze had criminality data by city areas. This could be done in partnership with the police departments and governments or even with the collaboration of wazers themselves. Local wazers could register dangerous areas to be avoided by other wazers and this preference could be available in the navigation options. In Brazil there were some cases of people who entered dangerous areas and favelas without knowing and eventually got robbed and even killed.
João Branco commented
Olá, nós que vivemos em grandes metrópoles convivemos com a violência de várias formas (assaltos, sequestros, favelas, etc). Neste sábado, o Waze me colocou em risco de madrugada e me levou quase para dentro de uma favela entre o Parque Continental e a Marginal Pinheiros em São Paulo. Acho que o Waze deveria ter 2 novas opções de serviços:
1) Aviso de perigo de assalto: se vc presenciar um assalto ou tiver informações que naquele local houve algum assalto, poderia colocar um aviso para que os wazers evitassem o local;
2) Navegação: da mesma forma que optamos por não passar em ruas de terra, poderia haver uma restrição de percurso por locais de riscos (zonas historicamente perigosas). E se não houvesse outra opção de rota, poderíamos ser avisados do risco da mesma forma que somos avisados do rodízio veicular. -
Anonymous commented
Just entered here to suggest the same thing. We soooooo often get in favelas and A LOT of people are robbed. We had a significant number of people who got shot also. It's en extremely important matter. I also like the suggestion below, to rate the level of danger. In some cities, every single traffic light is dangerous, but driving into a favela should totally be avoided.
David Velarde commented
This is really necessary for PERU please
Andre Otta commented
Correlate with physical security incidents data, policy data, to avoid high risk zones or alert the user entering in a Security risk zone. I think this is nice to reduce the criminal incidents or people who don't know the area.
Pam commented
Just like we report closed streets due to parades or men working, we should be able to report dangerous conditions, like risk of assault or robbery. It is extremely neccesary at least in my country (Peru). Maybe report risk on Navigation mode and dangerous area on Waze editor
Juliana commented
Last week we had a very tragic episode in Rio de Janeiro, the addres was a bit different and the car end up in the middle of the "favela" and one of the people on car got killed and the other injuried.
Maybe, if this kind of allert pouped up BEFORE you end up there it could help avoid this kind of tragedy. -
Gustavo commented
I support your idea ! It could be a personal setting, not visible to others
Anonymous commented
Please ADD this feature! You can remove the Police Report Alert...but Add this! Save Lifes in Brazil!
Sergio Pezzo commented
Many streets have high theft rate, running over and other serious known risks by some, but not all. Include this as an option to avoid or creating new ways of communicating (two color dashed-line, for example), will provide a much more safe drive.
Paulo Pincigher da Carvalhinha commented
It could be rated from 0 to 10, so the user could choose the "level" of danger he wishes to avoid.
Anonymous commented
The Navigation just looks at distance and travel time. Sometimes that brings you through a crappy neighborhood or scary trailer park where you should never get out of the car even for a flat. Get crime stats and demographic information and where crime rates are concentrated and higher build a radius to avoid unless on the highway or something like that.
Anonymous commented
Sao Paulo is a very complicated city and we have to face huge problems regarding violence everyday. I would like that Waze could be able to consider safety directions more than arrive fast at a destination. It would make all difference if we could report safe places or not. The thing is that I rather prefer to arrive in my final destination safely than not or faster.