Sharing hazzards, accidents, etc with the emergency services.
In addition to informing other Waze'ers of hazzards, accidents, we encounter when we log the hazzardetc through the app. It would also be very beneficial to know that what we are reporting, the relivant information gets shared with the Emergency Services. So action can be taken as soon as possible.
Earlier today, I encountered a situation where a truck ahead of me, dropped a tie-down strap, tht had the potential to cause an accident, given it was a hooked kind of tie-down strap.
At the earliest opertunity, I pulled over and called the emergency services to infor of the hazzard. But when I am abroad or traveling, it's not always so simple. If however something like a Tweet or message, detailing the time, where it was roughly when the Waze'er logged it, so with in a few hundred meters etc back down the road. Along with any additional information and a through Waze means of contact . This would be very helpful, especially if a Waze'er sees something like a car in a bush or something that could be easily missed and go unreported.
I feel this would make for a useful tool in addition to a feature I am also suggesting, where you can report, even when there is no connection. When there is connection, the report can be logged. Even if it's some hours later, if a accident has happened and the car is in a bush, it could still save a life, even if some hours have elapsed since you first saw it.