Store reports created offline for short period. I.E. Police reports and accidents, see comments
I travel a lot in weak cell service areas on major interstates. I will see an accident or Police situation when I have GPS but not network it says sorry you can't report do it later. However it might be 5 or 10 miles down the road before I can then the event isn't in the right location. Suggest storing the location information along with the time so that when network returns it can be posted.

Anonymous commented
notifications options on accidents in a radius around you
Anonymous commented
I have got a new idea for showing bumpinesses, Holes and rugged roads. There is a way that get the info on p2p and being updated live.
You Could Post the Data and Receive it while being offline (No Network coverage and Only by GPS).
I Could Provide More Information if Waze establishes a connection.
Functional while being used by Governmental System.
Please Vote Up if you like this functions to reduce yours and others car "DEPRECIATION".
Best Regards -
Anonymous commented
Los avisos de policía sólo sirve para ayudar a los delincuentes. Si no quieres que te multen, cumple las normas de circulación.
¿Te gustaría que un conductor borracho, que lleva en el maletero a tu hija, se estrellase contra tí después de haber evitado un control policial?
Los que dan estos avisos son cómplices de los delincuentes y deberían ser acusados y juzgados como tal. -
AletrilogY commented
While browsing, if I have to report something on my way, but at that time I have no connection, waze does not send that report, but in the car moving in the territory happens to have no signal for so minute. It would be useful for waze to memorize that report, to send it as soon as the signal returns. Obviously in a short period of time, if within 5 minutes, the signal is not returned, the same will be automatically discarded. It would be very useful to be able to make even reports of danger if that area does not have a connection.
Tomáš Němec commented
It's very distracting and driver can write legally if the device is in holder. The warning doesn't help anything, user is by definition a sane adult who can and is able to decide when it's safe to write. This warning is patronizing and useless.
Guilherme Morato commented
Sugiro que o waze permita o alertas (Perigo, Polícia, Buracos, Carros, Batidas etc) offline. Dirijo muito pelas BRs do Brasil, e e a maior parte não tem cobertura de internet para minha operadora. As vezes preciso reportar um acidente, buraco, etc e não posso por não ter conexão. O Waze poderia armazenar offline o Alerta de acordo com a posição no GPS, e quando entrar online de novo, receba o alerta que fiz.
Anonymous commented
Me gustaría que Waze tuviera la posibilidad de descargarse mapas off line por si en un momento determinado no tienes conexión de datos. Gracias.
Anonymous commented
Came across this idea while looking through some other ideas and questions. I totally agree and second this idea. The ability to drag a posted event to the new location would be an awesome capability. Especially with police that move after pulling someone over but only move a quarter of a mile or less.
BT commented
You should add a drag and drop option. For example a police officer was reported to be at mile marker 143.1. When you get to that mile marker the police officer is no longer there but is now currently at mile marker 143.4. You can than click on that report and drag it to where they are now. That way there aren’t as many duplicate reports for the wrong location. As it is now, if you click on not there and then try to report it at the correct location it doesn’t always appear on the map because it is too close to the original report.
Anonymous commented
Offline reports and Groups
Come on WAZe, for years this has been requested. Save a report to the phone when out of data range, and submit when back in range. Also, load the report data to the phone for a specific distance so that one can get warnings even when out of data signal.Also bring back GROUPS, we have FaceBook groups and want to join a similar group on Waze, so you can see when you are near a buddy.
Maurício De Moraes Galvão commented
Permitir adicionar avisos como radar, polícia, obras e demais avisos quando o Waze estiver sem conexão de dados e subir a informação para o App assim que retornar a comunicação de dados, principalmente na estrada.
Anonymous commented
Send offline alerts - Enviar alertas off-line
Excuse me, but I'm not good with English. This story happened to me, really.
Once, when I was traveling on a highway after a storm, I had to brake abruptly to avoid colliding with a tree that fell on the runway, B locking half the road and almost causing an accident. I tried to send an alert, but there was no cellular network signal. A few miles ahead, there was a signal, but it was no use sending the alert. So I kept thinking there might be a way to send alerts offline. Here in Brazil the cellular network is terrible. The alerts would be on hold until the phone retrieves the signal. Alerts could have an expiration time as well. I believe that an unnecessary alert is more valid than a danger without warning. Thank you so much.Desculpe-me, mas não sou bom com o idioma inglês. Essa história aconteceu comigo, de verdade. Uma vez, quando trafegava por uma rodovia após um temporal, tive que frear bruscamente para não colidir com uma árvore que caiu na pista. bloqueando metade da estrada e quase causando um acidente. Tentei enviar um alerta, mas no local não havia sinal de rede celular. Alguns quilômetros à frente, já havia sinal, mas já não adiantava mandar o alerta. Então, fiquei pensando que poderia haver uma maneira de enviar alertas off-line. Aqui no Brasil a rede celular é péssima. Os alertas ficariam em espera até o celular recuperar o sinal. Os alertas poderiam ter um prazo de expiração também. Acredito que seja mais válido um alerta sem necessidade, do que um perigo sem aviso. Muito Obrigado.
Anonymous commented
Hello people from Waze !! Happy to contact you! I am writing because I want to know if there is any possibility of reporting things in my way while I am offline. That is, if it is possible to generate georeferenced alerts that will be loaded when online. I live in Argentina, and here we usually need to travel many kilometers without connection, sometimes on routes in bad conditions, losing the possibility to report information to the community because I am offline. We often plan trips with other GPS applications, such as Google Maps or Maps Me, but they don´t rank the routes by user information, that´s something that Waze almost does. I think it would be a niche for Waze.
Best regards,Nicolás.
Rafael commented
Allow alerts to be dialed without internet, and in a defined period, when you go online, update and warn the other wazers
Patrick Sharp commented
How about just taking the comments you have and use them real time! You can see when cars that take your suggested route turn around. Like tonight: Glenwood Road off of Highway-17 south bound, Santa Cruz County, CA. The road is CLOSED! Do not direct traffic onto it.
SilentDragon64 commented
I live in the hills surrounding my city and with the recent storm many of the country roads were closed due to downed trees, washed out roads or downed power lines. So I spent hours trying to drive each route to get home. I only have Internet access at home or in town. So I was not able to report any of these closed roads nor was anybody else.
I understand that certain types of reporting are time sensitive. And therefore should not be cached. But a closed road, should be. That way you can inform the waze community about which routes are closed. Whether it be during inclement weather, emergencies or just a rural area without cell signal. -
Dan commented
Have an option to choose behind .5 mi, 1 mi, 2 mi or something like that
Or by time 30s, 1min, 2 min behind -
Anonymous commented
It can be the most useful feature ! Because in areas where there is no internet connection, nowadays if there is a police control or a danger, we aren't warned ! The app can save the report and send to Waze servers when the connection come again if the report is not too old (maximum 10 minutes ...)
Дмитрий Щиголев commented
Очень актуально на трассах, где уведомление иметь очень нужно, а связь не всегда бывает. Лучше попытаться отослать отчет через 10км в зоне уверенной связи, чем лежащее поперек дороги дереве пропустит еще кто-нибудь.
BigOr-by commented
это предложение особенно важно в регионах, где Waze только начинает развиваться и каждый отчет - на вес золота... потерял отчет - потерял нового ВЕРНОГО пользователя который этот отчет не смог увидеть...