Avoid ferry's
Dears, I had some serious issues in Hungary and had to make extra 150 km because there is no such option to avoid ferry's... iGo has it and works super and I had to chamge from Waze to iGo to find my final destination... Could be a really good new option in Navigation

Great news! The avoiding ferries is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Miles Thomas commented
Could start this off using feeds (API, Twitter, RSS) for individual ferry lines, e.g Red Funnel/Wightlink, Woolwich, and other short distance ferries around the UK, and the longer distance ferries from the UK and Eurotunnel (car/train service under the channel).
Håkan Heurlin commented
When Waze is calculating a route including a ferry, it should use the RealTime Estimated Time of Departure. Real Time Information will be availabe from the upcoming EU-Project RTF (RealTimeFerries). For details Contact me on email adress below/Håkan
Patrícia Trix commented
Apesar se na seção de ajuda dizer que tem essa opção ela não não existe. Uso waze todo dia mas depois da última atualização ficou muito ruim. Para ir até o trabalho posso pegar o ferry-boat ou a BR 101. Sempre coloquei para evitar pedágio para o waze me guiar pela 101. Caso o trânsito estivesse muito ruim valeria a pena ir pelo ferry. Mas na última atualização tiraram o ferry-boat como pedágio e o pior.... nas rotas alternativas não sugere a BR 101. ODIEI!!!!
Lőrincz Attila commented
Tisztelt fejlesztői csapat!
Eddig nagyon meg vagyok elégedve az app-al. Ha javasolható egy kis javítás akkor csak annyit szeretnék kérni, hogy amikor az autópálya és a fizetős út be és kikapcsolasi lehetőség van oda lehetne rakni egy komp használat ki be kapcsolast úgy ahogy a Google maps-ban is benne van. Többször már megviccelt.
Lőrincz Attila -
Augustina Boyer-Redman commented
You need to be able to avoid ferries. There are usually ways around and I would love to avoid ferries.
Anonymous commented
You should include Washington state ferry schedules and wait times when doing route calculations. Waze doesn't seem to understand the difference between roads and ferry crossings. This could be fixed. WaDOT has an app with all the relevant data, just waze is a million times better. Get on board with the ferries!
Larry Hay commented
I set Waze to guide me to Avon, NC from Mooresville, NC. NC HWY 12 was damaged during Hurricane Sandy and is open to limited traffic so the "Quickest/most direct route" was to direct me to Avon, NC via Ferry Boat running out of Swan Quarter, NC. It would have been nice if the Ferry Boat ride ($15) had been published during the "Ready to Go?" section where the "TOLL" is reported/displayed. The option to contact the Ferry Boat operator for a reservation in advance as well as the 2 hour ferry ride would have been nice too.