Waze Suggestion Box
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3956 results found
Seperation of the green and red selection boxes by puttone one in each corner of the screen
Separate the "Green and Red" balloon check boxes to confirm or deny an event by putting them in opposite sides of the screen instead of right next to each other so I quit fat fingering the wrong one.
2 votes -
Vagas para estacionar em ruas
Uma opção para que seja possível estacionar em ruas próximo a seu destino. A ideia se resume em definir uma distância máxima do destino e o Waze iria sugerir ruas próximas ondr seja possível estacionar, seja por zona azul ou gratis, de forma que o usuário não se distancie da região do destino porém passe por ruas onde o índice de vagas seja alto para o horário em questão. Para mercado brasileiro seria bem aceito e muito utilizado. A nova versão do Waze já guarda a localização onde as pessoas estacionaram os carros, então acredito que realizar o levantamento desse…
2 votes -
Con la experiencia que tenemos en www.allssaperu.com podemos darle a los usuarios de Waze en PERU las araeas y puntos en la ruta que no son recomendable debido a la alta criminalidad, para seguridad de los usuarios.
Mauricio Martinez Lafosse 51 9891413542 votes -
Show potential variance in route time
It seems that Waze picks the best route at the time navigation starts.
With all the timing and route information that Waze and Google collects, it should be easy to calculate a good variance for the time of day.
It might be nice if Waze could display a midspread or "middle 50%" time, i.e. the time estimate for 50% of all drivers on that route at that time of day.
So maybe below the estimated arrival of "9:02", it would show "(9:00 - 9:15)"
It'd be even better if it took this into consideration when routing, like preferring a "9:03…
2 votes -
Accuracy is horrible lately. On my latest trip, the time to destination doubled from original estimate. Now I question every Waze route and time estimate given. Extremely disappointed. Fix it.
2 votes -
Notification/visual feedback when road speed is going to change.
I'd like to ser a notification when road speeds are about to change
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Traffic Direction/Headings - N, E, E, SW, etc.
It would be helpful to know (and report) what direction/heading the heavy traffic is moving (or not moving) i.e. N, E, SW, etc
When I see heavy traffic icons, I'm not sure if it is on my route or going the other way. I think it would benefit other Wazers, if I could alert traffic conditions in the opposite lanes as well... similar to Police or Accident "on the other side."2 votes -
Notification banner whilst not on top
Hi guys
Quick suggestion.. try to develop a notification for alerts (turns, speed cameras, etc.) for when Waze isn't on top... Just like Google maps navigation does.
That'd be great!
Username TiTi_Meirelles
2 votes -
evacuation pulsing from disaster areas to prevent gridlock. This would be huge. Lookup pulsing at Burning man for a starting plan.
-Mike Fahey PyroSoul on facebook. I could help you develop this too :)2 votes -
Charles Barkley voice
Have Charles Barkley voice the navigation
2 votes -
Options Info Trafic (RDS / TMC)
Encore une fois une options découverte chez un concurrents GPS qui lier à la radio Info Trafic obtiens les problèmes de bouchons, fermeture des routes, travaux en temps réel. alors certes ont peux nous même donner les infos mais parfois les infos peuvent être terminées ou alors pas encore publiés. si waze proposait de se linker a des radio d'info cela permettrait une info fiable en temps réel
2 votes -
שלום בטיול בחו
,ל היה חסר בתחתית המסך מקום היישוב שלשם רציתי להגיע היה מקל מאוד לראות שאני בדרך הנכונה.תודה2 votes -
crowd source street sweeping
Would like to enter in street sweeping alerts for places where I park frequently, mainly work. When I drive up to park would like an alert on the street that street sweeping is scheduled for that day on the side of the street so I don't park there. Street sweeping schedules are usually 4th Friday or 3rd Friday of a month for where I park, but could be other days of the week.
2 votes -
Change the way some directions are explained in Dutch
It is confusing when the voice says on a highway: 'Rechts aanhouden' while meaning to TURN right. 'Rechts aanhouden' or 'links aanhouden' means: go straight ahead but stay on the (right or left) side you are on (without turning in a street almost 90°).
On small roads this is ok: turning into a street = 'Neem de afslag'2 votesThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help using Waze, please click here to reach the "Waze support" page.
Sabat road closed
I sugest to have wase information about roads that are closed in Sabat day. All over Israel becouse it is a problem enter or drive road in religion place.
2 votes -
Rally navigator voice
What if we could enjoy a navigator voice with similar indications like a real RALLY navigator (co-driver), obviously much more simplified and reduced to our daily drive capabilities, cars and routes! Something like
"Right 5 over crest, Left 3 don't cut, 100 Right 1 tidy into Left 2, 300, left 2 over kick into right 3 tightens." eheh
It should be more exciting then the stock "turn right, then turn left".2 votes -
Conoscere importo pedaggio
Potrebbe essere utile conoscere durante il viaggio e soprattutto quando ci si arresta al casello conoscere l'importo in modo da preparare per tempo il denaro in modo da velocizzare le operazioni.
2 votes -
improve visual navigation at road junctions.
improve visual navigation at road junctions. When muted, it is not always clear on what Congress or the turn to go
2 votes -
Show the parking
In my country(Brazil) have a lot of house garages in the cities so it would be cool if the app show the trully parking available,like a red line in the places where it wouldn´t be allowed to park(in the case in front of garages)and a green line where it is allowed
2 votes -
Informar um perigo independente de GPS
Gostaria de sugerir que pudessemos informar um perigo qualquer no mapa apenas clicando no ponto desejado do mapa, sem necessidade de localizacao gps. Digo isso porque as vezes vejo um perigo enquanto estou em movimento mas ha uma certa demora em abrir o Waze e fazer conexao com o gps,sendo assim ao clicarmos em um ponto do mapa estariamos informando a regiao de perigo e alertando motoristas.
2 votes
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