Waze Suggestion Box
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3956 results found
1 vote
Trajets spécial Voiturette
Les voiturettes n’ont pas accès aux voies rapides : mais les adolescents qui conduisent suivent les instructions de WAZE « bêtement »
Cela éviterait des situations dangereuses si les ados avaient une option Voiturette1 vote -
Take a Waze tourist tour of each place you visit, explaining every detail of the place historically
Take a Waze tourist tour of each place you visit, explaining every detail of the place historically
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Suggestion d'un concept publicitaire
Ayant toujours été séduit par la qualité unique du GPS WAZE, j'aimerais vous proposer 2 concepts de publicité:CONCEPT 1 :
On voit un groupe de touristes coincés dans un vieux pont de corde, tout le monde est entrain de paniquer et hurler, une femme trébuche même, et s’agrippe difficilement à un homme à côté.
Juste devant ce pont, on voit un philippin avec son groupe de touristes sur un pont MODERNE , tout le monde les regarde bizarrement !!! Le philippin jette un coup d’œil sur son GPS (marqué dessus WAZE), et ce dernier lui indique qu'il faut…
1 vote -
Split avoid toll roads into avoid toll roads and avoid toll bridges
I live in Lisbon, 2 bridges. Tolled only in 1 direction, south to north. I want to avoid toll roads sometimes but not the tolled bridges.
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how do I report erroneous directions?
I want to report errors in the directions being given. During my recent trip, I was given directions to a hiking trailhead that took me to the entrance to a gated community, and direction to an enterprise location told me to go to level 1 when it should have been level 2. I'd like to help others avoid these same problems.
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It would make sense to include which side of the dang road the address is on ya clowns 🤦🏻♀️
It would make sense to include which side of the dang road the address is on ya clowns 🤦🏻♀️
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Google results be suppressed when a Waze place exists to avoid confusion.
Someone at Waze has been helping me with an issue on an incorrect Google address. He recommended that when Waze has the information correct, that the Google results be suppressed when a Waze place exists. This is a great idea to avoid confusion when the Google location is wrong and has not yet been corrected.
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Avoid Small Road : Especially on car, we prefer bigger road, which will provide less accident risk, altought the distance increase.
Especially on car, we prefer bigger road, which will provide less accident risk, altought the distance and traffic could increase. Some of us aren't that expert drivers, and some of us also using luxury cars that we need to reduce accident probability at all
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calculate the remaining time within the tutors' route
I live in Italy and we have tutors on the highways who calculate the average speed
via cameras that mark the entry and exit times of cars within a stretch of road. It would be incredible to integrate a function that indicates how much longer you have to stay within this zone to avoid the fine, an idea would be to use the formula:
Time in minutes = (distance/speed)*60by doing this you could have a timer which, if respected, would avoid the fine
(furthermore, an indicator could also be integrated that tells you at what speed you must continue…
1 vote -
Recognise when I’m behind a very slow moving vehicle and offer a New route around this vehicle
I suggest adding a feature that detects when I'm driving much slower than the speed limit on a road. The app could then ask if I'm in heavy traffic or behind a very slow-moving vehicle. If it's the latter, like being stuck behind a garbage truck making frequent stops, the app could suggest alternative routes to bypass the slow vehicle and reach my destination faster.
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Add your own POIs Points of Interest
Is it possible to add your own POIs Points of Interest ? I would like to add all of the UK parkruns as POIs.
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Road grade warning
It would be great to have an option to avoid/warn the user about roads with high grades (>15%) as some heavier vehicles may struggle climbing these hills.
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Provide way to stop alternative routes
Please provide a way to stop alternative routes during heavy traffic. This app goes too far in creative ways to cut down time that 75% of the time do not pan out well for me and I am later than originally predicted. 15 min late for appointment in Seattle because this app suggested a left turn in the I-99 tunnel that was not physically possible. I have also had the app reroute me to a literal dead end leaving the Oregon Coast when a time saving suggestion way provided.
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Parada no destino ou continuar navegação na impossibilidade de parar
O Waze poderia apresentar um botão para confirmação da parada no destino. Caso não haja a confirmação da parada, o Waze poderia retornar a navegação àquele destino. Muitas vezes, não é possível parar no destino por conta do trânsito, sendo necessário continuar o percurso por algumas quadras ou ruas.
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Na barra de categorias pode ter a opc de escola, cursos etc...
Na barra de categorias pode ter a opc de escola, cursos algo voltado p educação etc...
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מתן התראה על תחנת דלק קרובה ,
לאחר שנהגים נוסעים זמן רב, הם עייפים ואכן צריכים לנוח, מצב זה מאלץ אותם להתחיל לחפש תחנות דלק באזור,שלעיתים אינה נראת קרוב והמצב שנוצר הינו שהנהג צריך להתחיל לחפש ואף מגיע למצב שהוא עוצר בצד,
נוסף לכך כשאר הנהג רואה את תחנת הדלק לעיתים הדבר מאוחר מידי ואינו מספיק לעבור לנתיב הימני בכדי לצאת לתחנת דלק
במידה והייתה קיימת התראה מוקדמת שלדוגמא הוויז היה מעדכן שבעוד כ2 או 3 קמ בדרך בה אני נוסע ישנה תחנת דלק, הדבר היה מאפשר מעבר מוקדם לנתיב
הימני ומונע את פספוס התחנה עקב הנסיעה המהירה או לעיתים גודש התנועה העמוס המקשה את הפנייה הפתאומית…1 vote -
In Car App
We need an I-phone App to use for in-car navigation
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Merci d'indiquer plus clairement et avec rappel, lorsqu'on se rapproche d'une Zône Police. Très important pour les motards en mode son. Merc
Merci d'indiquer plus clairement et avec rappel sonore, lorsqu'on se rapproche d'une Zône Police. Très important pour les motards en mode son. Merci.
E. PENEL1 vote -
Favoris avec la voix
Lorsque j'utilise le microphone, je ne peux pas dire le nom que j'ai attribué à mon favori, par exemple: Tante Lorraine
1 vote
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