Require Place Update Request approvers to confirm deletions & other major changes
Please add an extra layer of confirmation before saving in WME, if approving a PUR would remove a Place, change it from an Area to a Point, or change it from Public to Residential (all actions that delete a lot of data).
A change of the place's primary name should also require an extra layer of confirmation before saving, this is even more common than deletion although less immediately destructive.
Why do I bring this up? A Rank 6 editor, or possibly Waze staff, recently deleted the Area Place for San Francisco International Airport. It had been locked at Rank 6. I believe this was because the editor "rubber stamped" the Place Update Requests (PURs) for the airport without looking at them. Sadly, this kind of thing happens all the time, this was just a higher-profile event. A pre-save confirmation dialog might have saved it.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.