[Request] Map Comments Expiration Notification
When a Map Comment (MC) has been entered and is nearing its expiration (2 weeks in advance or 1 week in advance), notify and/or place a note in the Feed of the expiring MC.
This would allow the editor to verify if the MC is still needed, extend it, and/or reconnect road segments where a long-term project may have warranted segment disconnects instead of long-term RTCs.
If roads were disconnected and the project is nearing completion, this would allow the editor to reconnect the segments and then add RTCs so routing could occur immediately upon the completion of the project instead of waiting on a tile update.
By: karlcr9911
Link to original suggestion: https://www.waze.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1525&t=214139
Thank you very much for this great suggestion.
It was added to our backlog to try and see the possibility to implement it.
Please note there is no ETA for it yet.
YanisKyr commented
In addition to the one linked in a previous comment there's one more suggestion about the same:
wxw777 commented
This is also very much like suggestion: https://waze.uservoice.com/forums/59225-map-editor-suggestions/suggestions/41679403-timed-reminder-for-mcs. Perhaps they can be merged.