Add manual lock level to Junction Boxes
Currently, Junction Boxes do not have a controllable lock level. From the look of it, the lock level displayed is the minimum level for the country that can edit a JB. For example, in the UK only L5+ editors can edit JBs, so all JBs show auto(5) in WME.
With various changes that HQ are making into WME and the app, it seems to me that they expect a massive increase in JBs over time. U-turn prevention, junction modification for Falcon are just some of the things for which the answer often seems to be "use a JB".
I'm not disagreeing with the increased use of JBs. But some of them in the UK are attached to very complex motorway junctions ( which we would definitely want to stay out of reach of junior editors.
On the other hand, we don't want to prevent junior editors being able to use JBs sensibly in situations where they're needed.
Without individual lock levels on JBs we don't have much choice. In order to protect complex, important JBs we have to lock junior editors out of JB use entirely.
By: iainhouse
link to original suggestion:
fkzy commented
The automatic lock is actually not what you describe.
The automatic lock takes into account the lock level of all segments included in the JB, as well as the country minimum editor level for that feature.
Hence, reducing the country level does not create any risk for your important JB.