custom alerts
I would like to be able to place custom warnings in WME that come through to the app.
- certain tunnels see a lot of truckers or camper vans getting jammed because they are too large to enter.
- school area's getting dangerous when people who do not know the area are routed through due to a traffic jam somewhere else.
I imagine this like placing a speedcam in WME but then beeing able to fill in a message (with a set maximum of characters).
We could use those to put warnings in problematic areas, and these can be adjusted to the needs of each local community.
for example:
- Underpass max 2,8m ahead
- school area ahead
Exactly like with a speedcam: in the app it should pop up in the green banner with the warning in it.
if a custom waring is too difficult or prone to problems; add a couple standized ones such as for a school area.
Not only will this help make traffic safer. I believe it will also get us a lot of goodwill with local authorities.

DwarfLord commented
If standardized alerts are offered, deer/wildlife zones should be included. Every year there are between 1 and 2 million deer collision insurance claims in the US alone. Drivers (and wildlife) would benefit from driver alerts when entering known wildlife hazard areas.
To avoid over-alerting, custom alerts should be programmable by season and time of day. For example, schools are only hazards during daylight on weekdays. Deer zones may be more dangerous in the autumn and at early, late, or nighttime hours. This would be critical, because hazard alerts that always sound, even when there is little or no hazard, teach drivers to ignore them or turn them off.