Allow forcing a closure to expire (instead of deleting the closure)
The WME shows now the status of all recently finished and all active closures. A deleted closure will not be visible anymore.
For that reason, we prefer to "finish" closures instead of deleting them.
It would be nice to have an option in the context menu of closures, to make the closure expire, by setting its end moment to now.

Bob McCormick commented
This was also discussed in one of the roundtable discussions at the mega meetup Atlanta GA US 2024
Bob McCormick commented
Now that we have closure history - there shouldn't be any reason to delete closures, which has been typically what we do when a closure needs to be terminated early.
What I have typically been doing is editing the closure and setting the time 2 minutes into the future. This effectively expires it. Change the delete button / functionality to expire would be a large benefit to maintaining closure history - which has become great for researching URs as well as adding future closures in areas of construction, etc.
YUL_ commented
I support this! A simple button to expire the closure "soon", i.e. "now" would be very convenient. If we want to do it in an elegant way right now, we have to manually change the end date/time, which is time-consuming.
Roy (Volunteer Map Editor) commented
YanisKyr commented
I came here to suggest the same. Deleting them was so easy before, but not preferable after this update.
Now we have to go into every closure and expire them in the next couple of minutes if we want to keep visibility.