Two-Way Traffic Ahead Permanent Hazard
This permanent hazard would warn users that the road they are travelling on transitions from one-way to two-way traffic. This would not be used for sections of road where traffic gives way to oncoming traffic temporarily (see the suggestion for Narrow Road Permanent Hazard), but instead for roads that are one-way only for a distance and suddenly transition to two-way, as to warn the user that there will be oncoming traffic.
• Ex 1: Drivers heading south on the one-way must be in the right lane to continue onto the two-way road, where traffic from the opposing two-way direction does not have a stop sign either. This would warn the user to pay attention, as traffic on the two-way could potentially turn in front of them unexpectedly if they do not notice the transition
• Ex. 2: Eastbound drivers on this 4-lane one-way would be warned of the two-way transition, where the left lane becomes an opposing traffic lane at the intersection that may not be noticed from the right-hand lanes
• Ex. 3: A user turning from the major highway may think this road is completely one-way based on signage and may accidentally continue down the center of the road when it changes back to two-way.,520437373
This warning would not be intended for use at the end of highway off ramps or where a divided road comes back together, though that application could be decided by editor communities.