Save and later upload client data for areas with limited cell and/or Wi-Fi only users.
Smart Alarm Clock using Traffic Data · Now available
Use the telephone acceletor to get data about road quality
Message "Do not response by mail" when editor commented an update request · Looking into the suggestion
moving waze folder inside Android/data
Sharing anonymized GPS data
Extreme Temperature Crisis Response
Post the destination address,arriving time, somewhere,then it can be queried.
Fix the gas price functionality by adding additional shortcuts to update gas station prices and automatically remove old data
Fill place data with linked Google place data if those are blank in WME
Send Pot hole data to government for repair work automatically.
Use accelerometers and gyroscopes to suppliment GPS data
Add Victoria, Australia Data APIs
Moira Rose from Schitt's Creek
Make waze tolerant of intermittent network connectivity · Not right now
Show the amount of data being consumed by Waze
Historical Traffic Data for Social Analysis · Not a suggestion
walking mode button · Currently not planned
Automatic UR handling · Looking into the suggestion
"Stop running in the background" switch on iOS