display only live-info and events relevant to the current route
Add option, that would:
- enforce event pop-ups (such as accidents, etc.) to show only if they happen on the current route to destination (no need to se events in radius when not on the route)
- display only number of events (under the icon with the red excl. mark) relevant to the current route to destination (this would help user open the live info only when there is a number indicating something going on on the route

rleejr79 commented
Donkeyfumbler commented
Couldn't agree more. Amazed there is still no option just to display alerts and number of events for the current route only. Why do I want to know there are 40 alerts for roads around me when I am on the motorway?
Anonymous commented
it's annoying when the popups have nothing to do with your current route and they're all over the place. displaying number of events is better. and reports should be on-route instead of radius
Anonymous commented
Would love to be able to turn off the popup notifications, or at least limit them to relevant information as the others have suggested.
Mark Pritchard commented
its just so annoying, I've get mine setup to show problems in red, so from quick glance I can see issues in the area, but when is starts flying around its really annoying, to the point that I tend nit to turn it on.. please please let us disable this feature, its annoying
Danny commented
Or let us change to a 1 mile radius instead of 5 mile radius for events.
PDSF commented
This concept needs to be expanded to just disable popups, or set a 1/4 mile radius or something, for times when you have Waze running but haven't set a specific destination. Maybe 5 miles min. works for those out in the country, but for those of us in the city it means an endless stream of popups every time the car stops at a light. Love Waze, hate the popups.
Stuart commented
I agree. There should be a way to turn off notifications for events that are not on the route.
Shaigan commented
Vote it up too. Stop those annoying spam about other roads event...
Inge commented
Vote it up. I have a similar request, show only pop ups for my CURRENT and ALTERATIVE routes to destination. Please vote on that as well if ou agree!
Linus Axén commented
This is an awesome feature! Vote it up!