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17342 results found

  1. 안성오피〚안성건마〛[쿨오피]"〚안성휴게텔〛안성키스방 안성마사지

    안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] COOLOP1.COM 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔 안성키스방 안성마사지 [쿨오피] 안성오피 안성건마 안성휴게텔…

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  2. Aviso de Llegada

    En viajes largos seria muy util que Waze nos avise que ya estamos cerca a nuestro destino. Muy util cuando viajamos en bus y queremos descanzar y que una alarma nos avise para poder despertarnos a tiempo.

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  3. Realtime Drive Tracking

    The realtime drive tracking quit working on Galaxy S7 phones since the last update.

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  4. help vehicle on the road

    add an option to help people who are stooped on the road for example to change a wheel.
    and post when they were helped.

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  5. Add "Most Popular" to Route Types

    The most popular route is usually the safety one.

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  6. Fading trafic bottlenecks reports

    In holidays when everybody goes out from the cities creating long jams Waze asume long detours that are higly inefficient because considers the actual bottlenecks for the whole route. Please also with the propoused alternative routes consider show alternatives were accounts that from an hour ahead the bottlenecks were fade, ideal to take long trip desicions

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  7. הגעת הכי קרוב שאפשר עם לרכב ליעד


    לאחרונה השתמשתי בוויז באיטליה ונתקלתי פעמיים בתופעה דומה.
    הייתי צריך להגיע למלון בעיר מסטרה באיטליה, וקיבלתי הודעה "הגעת ליעד". הסתכלתי מהחלון ולא היה שם שום מלון, וגם שם הרחוב לא התאים. יצאתי מהרכב ושאלתי עוברים ושבים היכן המלון והיכן הרחוב שבו המלון נמצא ואמרו לי שהוא במרחק כמה רחובות מהמקום שבו קבלתי הודעה "הגעת ליעד". המשכתי בנסיעה לפי הנחיות האנשים ששאלתי והגעתי למקום אחר לגמרי, גם הוא שגוי, וגם לגביו קבלתי הודעה "הגעת ליעד".
    מסתבר שהמלון נמצא בתוך שטח של מספר רחובות המיועדים רק להולכי רגל ושאיננו מותר כלל לכניסת רכב! החניתי את הרכב במקום מרוחק יותר והלכתי רגלית…

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  8. Free handset and waze

    I use a free handset Jabra Freeway and Waze. Unfortunately, for a few months, following a Waze update, the GPS indications, via my Jabra Freeway, all end with the words "End of communication"
    I had hoped that the next updates would fix the problem, but that is not the case. My Jabra Freway has been reset, it does not change either.
    You will understand that it is very unpleasant to hear this repeating itself after each indication. "Turn right, end of communication" ... "Turn left, end of communication" ... "At the next roundabout, take the first exit, end of the…

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  9. Waze et Kit main libre


    J’utilise un kit main libre Jabra Freeway et Waze. Malheureusement, depuis quelques mois, suite à une mise à jour de Waze, les indications du GPS, via mon Jabra Freeway, se terminent toutes par ces mots : « Fin de la communication »
    J’avais espéré que les mises à jours suivantes corrigeraient le problème, mais ce n’est pas le cas. Mon Jabra Freway a été réinitialisé, cela ne change rien non plus.
    Vous comprendrez qu’il est très désagréable d’entendre cela se répéter après chaque indication. « Tournez à droite, fin de la communication »… « Tournez à gauche, fin de…

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  10. Déclenchement automatique de l'application lorsque la vitesse atteint au moins 30 kms avec une pop-up qui demande confirmation.

    Creation d'une option dans les parametres qui autorise le déclenchement automatique de l'application lorsque la vitesse du vehicule atteint au moins 30 km/ heure avec une pop-up qui demande confirmation: "Voulez-vous demarrer Waze?" OUI - NON.

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  11. Swipe to read next unread message in Inbox

    I would like to have the option to swipe or hit an arrow key to read the next unread message in my inbox. It takes too long and wastes time to have to exit out of each message after you're done reading it, and open the next message. It would be a good feature to be able to swipe left to delete a message, and then maybe right to read next message or vice versa.

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  12. Take Rowena Ave. in Los Angeles off your suggested routes.

    This street was never intended to be a major thoroughfare. The traffic is non-stop on this residential street and there are no lights to control the amount of traffic that has accumulated.

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  13. Voices in Portuguese (BR)

    English: Put back the fun voices like Sid from Ice Age and Silvio Luiz a famous soccer announcer and make them perma.

    Português: Por favor, coloquem de volta as do Sid de Era do Gelo e Silvio Luiz, narrador de futebol famoso. E as façam permanentes por favor.

    Obrigado / Thank You

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  14. warning about use when driving

    I have found that the Waze 'safety warning' about getting input while the car is moving to be very troublesome. I get the warning in my driveway (300 meters long) while driving at 10 mph and have more inputs to do as a result. I also do input at higher speeds trying to use the microphone to speak in the destination, but it is complicated by the "safety" feature.

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  15. Your own traps Saved?

    App is great one down side it some times dose not save or show the traps that I have spotted , moved or changed . I highly recommend giving us the portion to have a saperat maps like your own saved traps or the public user spotted traps

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  16. Really great app! Thank you guys for doing such good job!

    But nevertheless there are some features that could be done better:
    1. App freezes sometimes after start then there is no connection with GSM network.
    2. Then there are numerous alerts on the same spot, only nearest is announced. E.g. among "police", "accident on the road" and "vehicle on the shoulder" happend in the same area, only "vehicle on the shoulder" will be announced, meanwhile "police" is more important, because it is also used for mobile radars. It would be great, if "police" alert had priority over others alerts.
    3. Mobile radars or LIDARs. Then I see one on the…

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  17. Entrance to GWB from Riverside Dr South in NYC, dangerous directions.

    This entrance puts you in the left lanes of 6 lanes of ferocious traffic. Waze always recommends the Lower Level, which is the rightmost 2 lanes, and would require crossing several lanes of traffic in a very short distance - very dangerous. Waze should recommend the Upper Level which is directly ahead and requires no lane change. People not familiar with the area may attempt to follow the Lower Level directions which would lead to hazardous driving.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. a seta que aponta para o norte, poderia ter uma apontando para o destino final e assim decidirmos para nao deixar a rota mais longa.

    a seta que aponta para o norte, poderia ter uma apontando para o destino final e assim decidirmos para nao deixar a rota mais longa.

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  20. Enter favorite locations using site/app (more than 1.000 miles away)

    Next month my family and I are going to Cancun for vacation and I wanted to be prepared and start entering destination points as favorites into my app to be ready for my trip. I realized I cannot do this through my app because I am more than 1000 miles away and this option is not available on the website that could make things way easier for planners like me.


    Hiram Jimenez

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