Waze Suggestion Box
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681 results found
Cierre en Autopistas
La App tiene un error, ya que no se pueden reportar los cierres totales en autopistas. He estado 15 horas detenido en cierres totales (Donde No puedes moverte a ningún lado) y la app, no tiene esta opción de cierre, solo la despliega si tienes una ruta para salir, pero no puedes avisar que hay cierre total. Favor de arreglarlo por qué No es útil la app con cierres así.
1 voteThanks for reaching out. Please note this platform is dedicated to ideas and suggestions for the Waze app. If your idea is for a Community platform like the Waze Map Editor, please submit it through the Community forum. If you need help with app issues, please click here to get in-app help.
Fix map correction submissions
When reporting map corrections currently, the map does not default to your current location, nor does it provide a current location button.
Corrections should be a context menu selection on the main map by long press and select via the burger menu
1 vote -
Road Humps, not bumps.
Waze UK calls them Bumps, but they should be called Humps.
Hump is a noun, they are hump shaped, like a humped-back bridge.
Bump is a verb, you can bump into a door, a car can bump into post.2 votes -
Additional Data from Previous Trips
It would be helpful to access average speed and top speed data for past trips, with timestamps.
1 vote -
When you are a hazard
You should be able to report that you or a hazard for the road and it should be removed as you drive away
2 votes -
Disable "show on map reduced speed alerts"
Disabling the option "show on map reduced speed alerts" should be available under reports according to google support for Android mobile.
This option is not available tough.
I want to be able to turn off the "reduced speed" reports.
Please fix.
Thank you.1 vote -
link 'Faulty Traffic Lights' to intersection
Make reporting possible only in the intersection area and linked to the nearest intersection
& have a warning appear in all directions3 votes -
Self-report of a stopped vehicle
Add an option to report that I'm stopped that will automatically cancel when I move.
3 votes -
Removing duplicate reports
If there are several identical reports in a close location, they will automatically revert to one report.
1 vote -
Add the ability to edit and combine reports
for example,
(1) correct 'danger' to 'stopped vehicle' and 'stopped vehicle' to 'police',
(2) combine 'accident' or 'police' with 'blocked lane'2 votes -
Hazard Reporting
There should be a way to report if a road is quite icy. It’s nice to know so you can either be extra careful or go a different way.
1 vote -
Camera reports not appearing also seat belt / mobile camera traps not appearing please add them to the reports list
Camera reports not appearing also seat belt / mobile camera traps not appearing please add them to the reports list
1 vote -
Report road closures
Come on. . .you can do better than this- road closure is important to everyone using the road it should be high on the priorities list for Waze users- at the moment it is virtually impossible to report a route is blocked or closed!
2 votes -
Prezados, Meu nome é Lorenzo, sou estudante do curso de Geografia na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), e atualmente estou real
Meu nome é Lorenzo, sou estudante do curso de Geografia na Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES), e atualmente estou realizando uma pesquisa voltada ao mapeamento colaborativo virtual.
Gostaria de entender melhor como o Waze utiliza os dados inseridos pelos usuários no aplicativo, especificamente no que diz respeito às notificações de trânsito (como acidentes, congestionamentos, perigos na via, entre outros). Minha pesquisa busca explorar como as contribuições dos usuários são processadas e expostas para a comunidade no aplicativo.
Se possível, gostaria de saber:
Quais os critérios utilizados para verificar a veracidade das informações enviadas pelos usuários?
Como é feita…1 vote -
Subject: Innovative Idea for Enhancing Road Safety- Reporting Drunk Drivers on Waze.
I propose adding a feature that allows users to report suspected drunk drivers directly through the app. Similar to how users can report hazards or police activity, a “Report Drunk Driver” button could alert nearby drivers of a potentially dangerous situation. This could help keep drivers safe by providing timely warnings and allow law enforcement to be notified for quicker intervention.
This feature could include:
• A Quick Reporting Option: Users could tap a button to report a suspected drunk driver, including the vehicle’s description and location.
•…3 votes -
Feature request - ability to specify which lane is affected
I wonder if it would be possible to add an extra screen where you can specify where a hazard is - e.g. a pothole or object in the road. It’s not useful on a 3 lane motorway to be informed about a pothole in lane 3 when you’re driving in lane 1!
Additionally if a feature could be added regarding reporting things on the other side of the road - e.g. roadworks that are in the lane going in the other direction but not affecting your lane.
1 vote -
bring back confirming reports
Please bring back the confirmation of those road reports that was present in previous versions.
Is it possible to add break down vehicle on the other side of the road (like for police)
1 vote -
Possibly new category of report. "Traumatic" title proceeding current and or new reportable events to alert drivers who may have younger children or sensitive occupants in their vehicles of situations such as accidents or struck wildlife that may be extremely visible to other passing motorists, so the driver can choose to detour and avoid exposure of such traumatic instances to their passengers or their selves.
1 vote -
How does one report an aggressive driver? 281 South mm 120 motorcycle going 100 mph down center line!!
Aggressive driver on motorcycle going 100 mph mm 107
Driving down center line!!
281 South
He's way south of that already.1 vote -
Lorsqu’on signale un accident sur la route, cela serait bien que Waze intègre un champ qui demande quelle voie est concernée/si voie bloquée
Lorsqu’on circule, on reçoit les alertes des autres Wazers qui signalent des incidents ou des accidents sur la route. Cela serait bien qu’au moment de signaler un accident, Waze ajoute une question « quelle est la voie concernée par l’accident ? » (menu déroulant : gauche, droite, milieu, aucune en particulier) et « est ce qu’une voie est bloquée par les véhicules concernés ? » (menu déroulant oui gauche/droite/milieu ou non les véhicules sont sur la BAU). Ce serait utile d’afficher ensuite cette info pour les utilisateurs en approche de l’accident qui souhaitent anticiper pour éviter le stress de devoir se rabattre en dernière…
1 vote
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