Waze Suggestion Box
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681 results found
Option to see historical police presence/speed traps.
Option to see historical police presence/speed traps. If the area is frequented with reports then label it as a historical hot spot. This way we can drive cautiously in those locations.
1 vote -
Changer la façon d'indiquer une route bloquée. Après avoir constaté une route bloquée en roulant, il est quasi impossible de la signaler.
On devrait pouvoir signaler une route bloquée en dehors de la zone où on se trouve pour pouvoir le faire après un trajet. C'est difficile de le faire en roulant et ilpossible avec Android Auto.
1 vote -
Accident Alert
Waze provides alternate routes when approaching an accident which is really helpful. My suggestion is that WAZE “announce”…. ACCIDENT AHEAD, ALTERNATE ROUTE PROVIDED”….this allows us to know why the alternate is being provided. Sometimes we are on the road for long times and get tired. Thank yo.
2 votes -
Fixing a mistake when creating a report
Sometimes, as I try to set up a report, I click the wrong button, and there’s no way to go back to correct the error. If you close out, you lose the chance to report the issue at the point at which it’s happening. This wasn’t always a problem, but an update made this an issue.
2 votes -
Reporting road closures shouldn’t report on a road being driven on
When I was trying to report a road closure, it automatically suggested the closure was for the road I was driving on. Why would that ever be the case?
2 votes -
Olá Waze, tendo em atenção a segurança rodoviária, e como exemplo as lombas de calmia de trânsito na via pública, pelas dimensões das mesmas e que muitas vezes não visiveis pelos condutores ou estão mal identificadas, proponho a ideia de uma opção para poder-se identificar os locais das lombas que podem representar mais perigo para os condutores, tal como pode-se identificar os perigos, como boraco na estrada ou passagem de nível, visto que são obstáculos permanentes.
Continuação de um excelente trabalho,Dino Midões
2 votes -
Bad feedback about display on android auto
Since last update, when lauching a new alert, Waze splits the screen among the alerts and the map in a half, for whaaaat?
Drivers have to publish an alert using the less display touch as possible, for security reasons. With this New update, the driver needs to slice the touch looking for the alerts he wanna publish!
I really dont know why did you do It! I wanna believe that Waze team knows that as less driver have to touch, more secure is, for sure.1 vote -
Disable selected/individual railroad crossing notifications.
Allow the option to disable select/individual rails road crossing notifications. I cross 6 separate railroads each day and I’m notified about them every single time. I keep the notifications on because I like to be notified of crossings when driving in an unfamiliar area. It would be great to have the option to select a specific crossing and mute/disable the notifications just for that one.
1 vote -
Warnings about “lombada” in Brazil!
Warnings about “lombada” in Brazil! It is an obstacle created by transit manager department of Brazil to reduce speed of cars
2 votes -
Under fire area and relevant closures in Google Maps are missing in Waze
A severe fire was ongoing the previous weeks near our capital city in Greece, covering a vast area. While Google Maps is aware of the area that is under fire and has imposed relevant closures, I notice that in Waze, there are no closures in the same area at all.
I believe that it is very important for Waze to be able to pull such data from Google Maps in case of emergencies like fires, so it can protect and inform intime the drivers.
2 votesThanks for contacting us about reporting an error on the map. Our community of volunteer map editors handle all changes to the Waze map.
To report a map issue in the Waze App
To report an issue on the Waze Live Map
To suggest an edit to the map-editing community
Note that it may take some time for them to review your request.
What safety protocols are in place for your couriers?
For our <a href="https://alitransportservices.co.uk/courier-service-gatwick-same-day-next/">Gatwick Sameday Delivery</a> service, we implement strict safety protocols, including regular vehicle maintenance, GPS tracking, and driver training in safe driving practices. Our couriers are also equipped with PPE and follow all health and safety guidelines to ensure secure and reliable deliveries.
1 vote -
Accurate hazard/accident location
It would be nice if when reporting an accident or hazard that your able to specify which lane on the highway the accident or hazard is located.
3 votes -
Acceso reporte frecuente
Hacer disponible un icono para reportar problemas frecuentes e innediatos. Ejemplo, baches y accidentes
1 vote -
There is insufficient time to confirm reports.
There is insufficient time to confirm reports. When he gets there and I see it visually to confirm, the possibility has already disappeared. With pre-approval, the function loses its meaning.
3 votes -
Informar los resaltos de la vía. Y si hay un evento en la vía informar si a la derecha o izquierda
Report road bumps. And if there is an event on the road, report whether to the right or left.
1 vote -
Eingeben von Straßensperrungen vor der Abfahrt
Wenn man im Vorfeld weiß, dass eine bestimmte Straße gesperrt ist und dies von Waze nicht angezeigt wird, sollte es die Möglichkeit geben, dies direkt zu melden und nicht erst direkt vor Ort. Das bedeutet oftmals einen großen Umweg, nur damit man das Problem melden kann.
1 vote -
"Not there" option for all incidents on route clickable, not just on alerts
When on route, when there are multiple reports and alerts for police or cars on a side of road it only alerts you of only one, there others sometimes are just missed to click the "not there" option and the alert stays there for others. You should be able to click the report and show the "not there" option all times, not just the like button.
1 vote -
Drop my own Pins while driving - Much like reporting a hazard - So I can look them up later
When I'm driving I often see houses for sale or other interesting things I wish i could look up when I got home. Or maybe I am a business owner who roofs homes, and i see a bad roof, i want to reach out to the owner later.. An easy way for me to save a location to my account for later review would be awesome. It would have to be easy and quick like reporting a road hazard or police. Just saves to my Waze account.
1 vote -
Less restrictions for map editors
It is absolutely insane that map editors still have to ask the reporter for the exact street and cross street to complete edit requests and map updates! I have been a member since 2009 and I still can not ever remember specifics because I have a life outside of making Waze reports and notations. Also, the “navigation history” which map editors refer you to, does not have every turn. Please fix this so that users will want to report more instead of just getting frustrated.
2 votes -
Put “animals” back on the options to report
Please please please put the option to report animals on the side of the road again. This was EXTREMELY helpful and important to ensure the safety of the animals and other drivers. This honestly breaks my heart because I love animals and want to keep the as safe as possible!
14 votes
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