Waze Suggestion Box
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681 results found
Remoção de alertas
Adicionar a opção de "remover alerta" quando clica no balão de alerta no mapa... atualmente só é possível indicar que o alerta não existe quando o próprio waze mostra a notificação
1 vote -
2 votes
Average speed display in the range of avarage speed cameras
During the passage of the average speed cameras, also show the average speed of the car in this range of the road. Drivers will be informed about the average speed, which will reduce stress on the roads. Drivers will not have to worry about how fast or slow they are overcoming this gap of the road.
2 votes -
Reportar baches al gobierno para que lo arreglen en Mexico
Por favor que cada bache que se reporte, Waze lo reporte directamente al gobierno de cada ciudad para que lo arreglen. Ayudaría mucho a mejorar la Ciudad de México y otras ciudades
1 vote -
Do not cancel driver reports for mis-taps
Suggestion: Do not dump Wazers completely out of the reporting process because of a mis-tap or error.
Problem solved: Prevents Wazers from having their attempts to help totally aborted due to mistakes, which is discouraging, frustrating, annoying, demoralizing, and may discourage Wazers from submitting future reports.
When a user opens the report feature on a mobile device, they are presented with a collection of icons to choose from. If, because they are driving and trying to pay attention to the road, they happen to miss the target and accidentally tap the space between icons, the report display cancels out.…
12 votes -
Stop cops from reporting “no longer there”
If a vehicle hasn’t moved for a set time (ie a cop doing a speed trap) don’t let them report “no longer there” or remove the icon. If other wazers are moving on the road, but the one cancelling reports is not, suspend the account. Especially if they are cancelling multiple reports from different wazers in the same area.
1 vote -
Vehicle on Median
Add option to report 'vehicle stopped on median' as its the center of the road and the shoulder refers to the outside of the roadway area.
2 votes -
Report Incidents/ Observations
Under Bad Weather Can we have:
Heavy Rain
Surface Water
Poor Visibility
SnowUnder Hazzard can we have:
Motorway (Road) Closed
Diversion in place2 votes -
UNUSUAL Hazard Category Badly Needed
Wrong Way Driver use extreme caution warning" was reported on 295 N in FL by a digital State sign. This is a major beltway around Jacksonville, FL.
ALSO- interstate signs were knocked down by Helene (and laid in grass by state officials and workers)making difficult to know where to go. This caused brake slamming, near wrecks, sudden lane switching etc., as people tried to navigate splits and exits for 95 and 295, and not go miles and miles the wrong way. Again, only a comment.
In Waze, I could only report a generic hazard with a comment only for 2…
1 vote -
Reporting closures
As a police officer I try to use waze to report road closures to assist gps users by rerouting them. Often it's impossible to accurately do this because it won't let you report a closure on a spot you are currently on. App only let's you close the other roads around your location. I've tried temporarily relocating also. Need to make it easier to do this report.
3 votes -
travel report
It would be best that every travel can download a report with info like total mileage travelled from starting point to destination.
1 vote -
Report Blocked Lane by Voice
It would be an amazing addition to be able to say "Hey Google, Report Left/Center/Right Lane Blocked" rather than needing to use the on-screen controls as it poses a safety hazard.
I feel as if that would entice users to use the feature more; it's a very beneficial tool to have, allowing you to prepare for the lane chance before it's too late.
That may also help with traffic congestion when everyone is trying to merge into a single lane on interstates.1 vote -
Report animals on the road
Please add a feature to report animals on the road, similar to how we can report hazards or traffic incidents. This would help alert drivers and improve safety for both people and animals.
17 votes -
Sebességkorlátozás megváltoztatása
Budapesten a Váci úton az M0 felé haladva az Óceánárok kereszteződés után van egy 60-as tábla, majd kb. 80 m után Budapest vége tábla, de a Waze továbbra is a 60 km/h-s korlátozást jelzi., ami helytelen. Kérem javítását.
1 vote -
Dear Waze Team,
I am writing to you as a loyal user of the app for 15 years. I have used Waze on a daily basis and have witnessed its constant evolution and improvement.
I would like to suggest a feature that I consider important and useful for the community: the inclusion of school zones. This would allow drivers to be more aware of areas near schools and reduce their speed, improving the safety of children and pedestrians.
Some features that could be included are:
• Reduced speed alerts in school zones
• Visual markers on the map to identify…1 vote -
Being able to report closed roads when you are not at it
We need to be able to report closed roads when we are not staring at it or driving. I hate that I can only report closures when I'm there. If I know the road is closed I should be able to report that from a safe place or after the drive. I get that it needs to be verified, but it seems like we should be able to do that by linking state/county reports.
4 votes -
Check in after navigation
It would be great if the app asked if it got you there correctly and if there were any difficulties in the suggested route. Things like closed roads, detours or difficult turns are hard to report.
1 vote -
1 vote
You should have an option to report wildlife in the road
You should have an option to report wildlife in or on the side of the road.
2 votes -
Voice activated hazard reporting
I would like to suggest getting,
1. AI technology for self learning and improving maps as in some instances wazers know better routes to that of the waze map.
2. Voice activated controls in reporting hazards - in the UK unfortunately even tapping the phone while driving can lead to prosecution and driving bans. If somehow, waze can be voice activated when reporting hazards or police presence, etc. For example we say, "Hey Google" to activate and request Google assistance.
In waze we already can voice activate destinations through Google assistance.
My point is to avoid touching the phone…1 vote
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