Route away from schools at pickup & dropoff time
We've been noticing an increasing amount of Waze traffic near our local elementary school. It is dangerous for the kids who are biking to school (and not yet as reliable as adults) -- we have had three kids hit by cars in our small city so far this year. And I'm sure it is annoying for drivers -- we've seen a lot of folks swerving around slow cars etc.
I would love to be able to tell Waze the pickup and dropoff windows for our school, and have it automatically route away from the school (and ideally nearby streets).
Maybe use the FHA road classifications for school safe and bike safe roads to know which roads to route away from.

Bianca Joyal commented
Having the option to enable an automatic prompt to re-adjust a route (if it is created during school zone hours and will involve traveling through sed areas) instead of manually finding additional routes &/or looking to see if schools on the route selected.
Kirk Nicholson commented
Avoiding school zones would be a great feature. Schools can be identified by address and times can be estimated or presumed. A smart approach may be to identify schools, measure slowdowns on roads adjacent to the schools, and solicit community feedback from wazers on those roads.
Murray Tinker commented
Plan routes to avoid school zones during school hours / school days
Mick Frank commented
This is why I take my son to school by bike. After all, education plays an important role in his life We used to travel by school bus. But the latest news forced us to take a taxi. Now it became too expensive a pleasure for us, so we chose a bicycle
rdsxfn85 commented
How about an option to close certain roads near school from travel at the posted times? Lots of school areas have those.
Anonymous commented
Please can Waze make sure vehicles are not routed through school streets or past schools during the times for drop off and pick up. Extra cars mean extra danger for children, making their route to education less safe.
Anonymous commented
I love Waze but the other day I missed a turn and got re-routed through a school zone. This is an unnecessary delay but more importantly it is not safe for the schools. Please find a way to avoid school zones from 8-4 to help make communities safer and improve the Waze experience. Thanks for a great app.
Christian Hamilton commented
Having drivers tag school zones is a bad idea. Instead, Waze could contact schools across the country and ask them to reply with the active hours and speed. Not only is this really effective advertising for Waze, it could provide some amazing PR.
Anthony commented
In Australia we actually have time-of-day speed limit reductions around schools which I don't believe Waze currently implements.
John Johns commented
Create the option to avoid routing users through major universities
Molly malone commented
This is still a problem. It is totally unsafe to direct traffic right next to a school in the morning or afternoon when school children are entering/ exiting campus. It is so unsafe!!!
Chris Compo commented
Could be optional maybe?
Chris Compo commented
Maybe needs o alert that this is why your being re routed? Otherwise you may think Waze is being stupid. Especially if don't or have never had kids!
School zones appear as speed traps here in Seattle area. School zones are safety zones for the protection of children, not intentional police screens for soeeders. For safety, they should be avoided when possible and noted properly when unavoidable.
Jill commented
People on waze have decided to go down our street phone and coffee in hand at the same time as the morning bus nearly hitting kids. Can we please adjust maps for school bus routes ?
Cindy Welton commented
Community Safety alert. Notice that many of the comments in this category are from the Silicon Valley region of CA. It is a real problem having serious safety consequences.
Bart Youngblood commented
While it is a nice idea, it isn't really practical. Doing so in some locations would require rather substantial detours around the school. Remember that not everyone lives in a place where there is another road half a mile a way to detour on to.
If there have been a bunch of accidents/injuries/deaths in an near school zones, sounds like you need to get the attention of the local authorities and have them put the police out there instead of patrolling the local interstate.
Anonymous commented
Copy-Paste from - "Waze is all about contributing to the 'common good' out there on the road.". The 'common good' means good for everybody, considering all factors and conditions, not simply shaving minutes off your commute.
Autumn Looijen commented
My town of Los Altos, CA does not have sidewalks on the vast majority of its neighborhood streets. So every child who walks or bikes to school is sharing the road with cars most of the way. This is one reason it can be more dangerous than you might think to have commute traffic on school routes -- especially commute traffic from out of town, where people aren't used to sharing the road with kids.
Indu commented
Please please this is important. We just had a funeral of a 14 year old bellarmine kid run over by a car. I worry about my kid in school. This is a very serious issue. Outsiders have very little concern when driving around and most of them are rushing and paying very little attention.