Place Photos
To report a Place via the client, the user is required to first take a photo before entering any details.
This process should be changed as it:
discourages Wazers from adding a Place if it is dark/raining or other factors prevent them from taking a satisfactory photo, and;
results in ineffective photos (blurry, dark, inappropriate) being added which do not fulfil the intended purpose of assisting other Wazers to identify the Place.
Making Photos optional when adding a Place, and adding the ability to upload from the Camera Roll/Computer/etc, would improve the Waze map by enabling Wazers to add Places without a photo, and increasing the number of quality photos.

Please note we're changing the status of this suggestion to Not planned since we finalized our plans for 2024 and this idea won't be implemented this year.
We hope to include it in our plans for later down the line.
ageoio commented
This feature has already been applied
NO1xMOHAMED commented
I just want to know what is the reason that made you put the camera option as the first option to add a new place? Thus, the size of the addition will decrease, and most of the photos will not be accurate, because the time of adding varies from person to person. I may not be in a position that allows me to shot! in order to add the place, and if I do not do that, of course, I will forget it! Therefore, I suggest that the camera option be removed and added as an “optional” option, in addition to the possibility of importing photos from our studio.. Of course, filming with the camera application of Apple is not the same as photographing from within the Waze application -
Leonie Mitchell commented
I think a lot needs to be changed, especially the data.
Leonie Mitchell commented
Очень актуально это размещение.
Мне еще нужно добавить:
1. Предотвратить запрос фотографии, когда пользователь не запрашивает полный поиск адреса. Улица и номер дома. Так как в этих случаях нет конкретной точки доступа.
2. Выйдите из режима вставки фото без необходимости закрывать приложение или запрашивать новое место назначения.
Было бы неплохо, если бы мы могли добавлять фотографии через wme!!! -
Eric Cartman commented
In order to market your services, you might occasionally need a flyer or booklet that you can read to get a sense of the tone and focus of your job. I found a resource where you may obtain step-by-step directions on how to make a flyer in such circumstances. As it turns out, doing so is easy and fast. Theoretically, you could simply leave it online, where it would serve as a brief page of your portfolio, without even printing it. This strikes me as being highly useful.
Wilfred Rocco commented
Agree with this. As editor is a pain in the a** to erase a lot of irrelevant or poor pictures.
Felipe commented
It would be nice if we could add photos via wme!!!
mikemachado commented
In addiction, i think that the photo should be the last item in the report. I believe that many wazers do not report the location because they do not want to take the initial photo .
Jefreson Gil commented
Very relevant this placement .
I still need to add :
1. Prevent photography request when the user does not prompt for a full address search. Street and house number . Since these cases do not have a specific access point .
2. Exit photo Insert mode without the need to close the application or request new destination.