Stop routing traffic down quiet residential streets
Your app has a very narrow focus. It doesn't take the actual street or the people that live on it into consideration. I have lived on a very quiet residential street until your app has increased in popularity. Thanks to your app, our street is now like a mini-highway and two neighbor pets have recently been killed. Additionally, your ignorant app doesn't take into consideration that it is directing traffic to take a very dangerous left turn onto Briarcliff Road. The results have been numerous accidents. Please take Stephens Drive, 30329 off your cut throughs at once.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
Please remove us! Aside form clogging our roads and blocking our driveways, the drivers are glued to their phones and their WAZE app. They pay no attention to the neighborhood they're driving through....putting us all at harm. They get angry when they encounter the long line of cars and take it out on the residents by tearing down the side street, screaming at us, and threatening our kids. This has to stop!!!!
taylor h commented
please remove our neighborhood as a cut through.
Anonymous commented
Please remove Embry Hills Subdivision streets from Waze navigation.
Anonymous commented
Please remove all the Embry Hills alternative routes from the WAZE app.
Cars during rush hour are aggressive at Embry circle and Shabromat. The cars do not obey stop signs, they block residents from their driveways. It would horrible if an emergency, first responder needed to respond to a resident.
Gary Youngblood commented
WAZE directing speeding traffic thru a previously quiet neighborhood is setting up and disaster. One wonders if a child is run over by a speeding car after being directed thru this once-quiet neighborhood by WAZE could WAZE be held responsible and face lawsuits? This WAZE direction only saves a couple of reckless drivers a few moments and risks the safety of Embry Hills neighbors.
Sarah Adams commented
Remove our neighbor (Embry Circle, Alton Rd., and Embry Hills Drive) as a cut through! Our children cannot safely play after school due to cut through traffic and many cars do not stop at stop signs, making matters worse.
Anonymous commented
Has become a serious problem for 214+ families. Many days it would be almost impossible for Police or Fire Fighters to go anywhere within the neighborhood. This would be appreciated by all.
Concerned Mom commented
The traffic that Waze is creating in this neighborhood is beyond sustainable. It is blocking driveways and the exit/entrance into the neighborhood. It creates a dangerous left turn on Shabromat way in the evenings. Please stop sending drivers this way on your app. It is not any any faster than the main roads and it is frustrating for those trying to find a shortcut because it is no longer a shortcut due to your app. Plus the speed humps put great wear and tear on the vehicles and should be another cause to remove this way from your suggested routes as many drivers wish to avoid speed humps on their routes.
RaShanti Prowett commented
This neighborhood's streets were not designed to accommodate the volume of traffic generated by rush hour commuters using them as an alternate to the major through roads in the area. The number of children in the neighborhood, low speed limits, numerous stop signs, and speed humps all combine to make Alton RD, David RD, Embry CIR, Embry Hills DR, and Shabromat Way ill-suited as automated suggestions for alternate routes.
Anonymous commented
Due to the WAZE app, the traffic on Embry Circle and Alton Rd. has developed into a nightly dangerous situation. This needs to change immediately.
Anonymous commented
Cant get into my own driveway!!! Sucks! My kids play outside and cars fly down our street. One person ran over our slow down turtle on purpose.
Seth Ott family commented
Yes please remove Embry Circle, Alton Road and Shabromat from Waze. It’s denagerous to have so many people cutting thru. I have 3 kids and it’s been a real hazard looking out for all the speeders and people running stop signs
Kelley McManaman commented
This neighborhood has become unsafe due to the cut-through traffic we experience every day. Please remove Alton Road, Embry Circle, Embry Hills Drive, and David Road from your maps. When residents cannot get in and out of their driveways, much less, their neighborhoods, it's gone too far. Please remove!
Tisca commented
I live on Embry Circle. There are frequently times when I have to wait to back out of my driveway because the cars in the opposite lane won't leave space. I've sat in a line for 3 or 4 minutes a hundred yards away from my house and close enough to see it waiting to get to my home. I've needed to run a ten minute errand to grab something at the grocery store and it took that long to get out of our neighborhood. I have video of 25+ cars turning into our neighborhood in the time I spent waiting at the red light to turn out of the neighborhood. The volume of traffic in our neighborhood has risen exponentially and has a very negative impact on our quality of life. I don't even want my daughter to walk our dog between 4 and 7 PM anymore.
Cathy Cox commented
No GPS company should allow their app to reroute through residential. I havent used your app since you made life miserable for our neighborhood. Google Maps Only!!!!
Concerned Mom commented
Please remove Embry Circle, Alton Rd and Embry Hills Dr from your navigation app. We already installed speed humps to slow down the drivers and they are cutting from one side of the circle to the other, still speeding, angry and rude drivers, threatening our children's' lives (literally). These are not neighbors, nor do they care about our streets, they just want to get home faster, but, at what cost.? You are sending them this way even when some of the major roads are clear and then they bottleneck at the small exit and nobody can get out, not even them. They would have been better staying on the major road. This is ruining the quality of life in our neighborhood under the guise that you are saving people a few minutes drive time. They are still sitting in traffic or frustrated because you send them this way and then end up making you turns and flying back and forth trying to find another exit creating dangerous situations. Please, please, please remove these streets from your app.
Anonymous commented
I would like to have an option to tell waze to use only freeways/highways/main roads etc. when driving out of town. i.e. not to go into smaller roads just to save a couple of minutes. There are two reasons for this (1) This makes me totally reliant on waze, because the smaller routes are unfamiliar and not well documented (2) This harrasses small communities.
Angelina Perez commented
There are small mountain communities in Southern California that get jammed end to end when Waze is trying to "help" people find their way around traffic. This creates safety issues for the communities and there are documented reports of emergency vehicles unable to get to situations. Similarly, in the winter, people taking side streets end up getting stuck in icy/snowy conditions because they aren't familiar with the area. Please consider tweaking the algorithm to remove back streets in scenarios where communities cannot handle the high car volume and routing people to these streets introduces safety issues.
Example - Running Springs, CA. Population ~5k. Most weekends residents of this community cannot even pull out of their driveways and traveling just a few miles takes hours.
Ellen Holt commented
Here in the northeast US the best route usually isn’t the shortest. I’d rather a longer route that sticks to a couple of main streets with some stop lights than zigzag through small local streets, having to stop at every corner and watch out for kids at play. The straightest route is often the best route.
Óbuda-Békásmegyer Közterület-felügyelet commented
Tisztelt Google Fejlesztők!
Ez év szeptemberében küldtünk egy megkeresést Önöknek, melyre a mai napig sajnos nem kaptunk választ. A Google Waze dugóelkerülő alkalmazást sokan használják, dolgozóink között is. Intézményünkhöz azonban rengeteg lakossági bejelentés érkezik a kerület családi házas övezeteiből, hogy amennyiben a fő közlekedési útszakaszokon torlódás van, az alkalmazás bevezeti a kicsi, szűk utcákba a gépjárműforgalom jelentős részét. Emiatt élhetetlen a lakókörnyezetük és sokszor balesetveszélyes helyzetek is kialakulnak a nem ekkora igénybevételre tervezett kis utcákban.
Látnak-e arra valamilyen lehetőséget, hogy bizonyos útszakaszokat a rendszer ne ajánljon fel elkerülő útként, és amennyiben igen, van-e olyan kapcsolattartó, akivel konkrét helyszíneket tudnánk egyeztetni.
Óbuda-Békásmegyer Közterület-felügyelet