Remove annoying ads during navigation
Remove annoying ads during navigation. They appear while stopped, but sometimes they don't disappear when you start moving again. Very annoying and unsafe.

Thank you for your suggestion! We try to make our ads as useful as possible to Wazers. An ad-free version is not planned for the near future.
Fanni Vígh commented
Hey guys!
Super not cool to make pop-up ads during the drive! There are more and more and it’s frankly dangerous. Hit me before or after, but not meanwhile. Thanks.
Attila Ősz commented
Kérem, hogy oldják meg, hogy a waze csak akkor küldjön a navigációhoz nem kapcsolódó értesítéseket, és főleg reklámokat amikor a több kilóméteren keresztül egyenesen kell haladni. Nagyon zavaró, amikor épp egy kereszteződésben takarja ki a reklám vagy a három válaszos felmérés a nyilakat amik mutatnák hogy merre kell kanyarodni. Ráadásul az ember akaratlanul a telefonra figyel ha felugrik rajta valamilyen értesítés. Elhiszem hogy hogy egy reklámnál ez fontos hogy arra figyeljenek, de szerintem a közlekedés biztonsága fontosabb. Szóval kizárólag hosszabb egyenes szakaszokon mutasson a waze olyan információkat aminek nincs köze a közlekedéshez
justin wright commented
This isn't asking for an ad-free version, it is asking for ads that pop up when you are stopped to automatically close. Some do, but recently I have noticed a lot that do not. The ad header takes up half the navigation screen and there is no way to close it. This is annoying and troublesome when you are trying to navigate and half the screen is gone.
Nachum Gavrielov commented
מידי פעם פורצות פרסומות במהלך הנסיעה שאיני מצליח לקרוא(אני הנהג) - האם ניתן לבקש לראותן כשאני נמצא בנקודה בטוחה בהמשך הדרך ? -
Jan commented
Very dangerous. I will be deleting your ap from my phone and look for a safer ap.
Michael Rogers commented
Stop the ads while on route. If I had time to make a stop I would navigate to it at the beginning of my route. You already know where I’m going before I leave because I put in my Destiination so you should be able to suggest stops before I start driving and if I had time I could add that as a stop on my route. The way you have it now is distracting and I often think I should just crash into a tree and then sue you so that I could live comfortably for the rest of my life. Thank you
Marr Fish commented
In a busy city as an Uber driver, I had to disable Waze due to this useless feature. If I'm already navigating to a specific place, I don't need to know that
Anonymous commented
TOTALLY UNACCEPTABLE and embarrassing on your behalf, not to mention dangerous.
Anonymous commented
I agree!! It is indeed very annoying but more importantly it is downright dangerous.