Drive SAFELY...adverb
Please change the voice comment from "drive safe" to "drive safely." Good grammar is important.

Jeff McClane commented
Proper English should be used. (e.g. Instead of “drive safe”, it should be “drive safely”). By using improper English it does not promote the appearance that Waze is a professional and well-done app.
Rick commented
The software needs to be updated to remove this improper use of the English language.
Jeff Kramer commented
I support Don and his family! Seriously though, people have been mentioning this in posts since 2016. What do we have to do to get WAZE to speak proper English? Who do we need to talk with? Someone at Google in Mountain View, some at Waze in Israel? Let's stop perpetuating bad grammar. Thanks!
Jeff Kramer commented
I 100% agree with this comment and was going to post it myself. I am disappointed to see that this comment is from 2016, and here I am, in June, 2020, with the same problem.
WAZE: in English, the voice should say "Drive Safely." End of story. Please correct it. Thanks! -
Jeff Kramer commented
I 100% agree with this comment and was going to post it myself. I am disappointed to see that this comment is from 2017, and here I am, in June, 2020, with the same problem.
WAZE: in English, the voice should say "Drive Safely." End of story. Please correct it. Thanks! -
Jeff Kramer commented
I 100% agree with this comment and was going to post it myself. I am disappointed to see that this comment is from 2018, and here I am, in June, 2020, with the same problem.
WAZE: in English, the voice should say "Drive Safely." End of story. Please correct it. Thanks! -
Don commented
DRIVE SAFELY, not "drive safe" like you guys are a bunch of morons. Honestly, and no joke, my 9-year-old daughter corrected you the first time she heard it. Actually, she was 8, and now she and my son hates when we use Waze and I'm pretty sure it's for that reason.
Anonymous commented
This also makes me insane!
Anonymous commented
Absolutely! It irks me everytime I hear "drive safe"! Why perpetuate poor grammar to millions! What is the point?
It's really grating to hear this illiteracy from a company that knows better. -
Anonymous commented
Correct the grammar please , announce “Drive Safely” not drive safe
Anonymous commented
"Be safe" but "drive safely." Safely is an adverb modifying the verb drive. Safe is an adjective that can modify a noun. It is an old bugaboo of the grammar police that in any pairing of an adjective with its -ly-suffixed adverb -- safe, safely; slow, slowly -- the (nominal) adjective must never be used as an adverb.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
PLEASE fix this!!!! It is making my ears bleed. I know tons of people who stopped using the app on principle. (Although at Waze they'd probably say principal.)
Troy Burkholder commented
At least this bothers some many English teachers cringe at that voice.....I love Waze. But one drives safely not safe!!
jh commented
When the navigation begins, the app says "drive safe". Drive is a verb in this case. Safe is describing the verb making it an adverb. My understanding of English infers that this should say "drive safeLY" to use safe as an adverb.
Anonymous commented
Change in wording
Brooke commented
YES!! This drives me NUTS! How is an app this big prone to the most basic grammar mistake?
Ruth commented
"Drive safe" is promoting American ignorance! Change it to "drive safely"!!!
Anonymous commented
Can you please update the app to say "Drive safely" instead of "Drive safe". My kids hear it all the time,3 and it's grammatically incorrect. I know this is like #firstworldproblems, but I finally had to say something.
Anonymous commented
I experienced Waze for the first time yesterday. It's great. The only flaw I noticed was at the beginning of the trip the voice says, "Drive safe." It should be "Drive safely."
Thank you.