Change the route color from purple to green, yellow or red, depending on how recently the route has been 'swept' by another Wazer.
Change the route color from purple to green, yellow or red, depending on how recently the route has been 'swept' by another Wazer: Green = route traversed by another Wazer no longer than 2 minutes ago; yellow = 2 to 5 minutes; red = no Wazer traffic within the last 5 minutes.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Bruce Lyon commented
As others have mentioned, I typically don't use Waze because of how it looks. I dispise the color scheme and general cartoonist nature of it. It's a good app but I wish they offered a more Google Maps style scheme.
Joe commented
I would like to see Waze colors be green for traffic flowing, yellow for slow traffic, red for traffic stopped.
Anonymous commented
Why hasn’t this been done!?! It’s the one thing that makes me choose other apps over Waze.
Bogdan commented
Change the color of the road or make a sign somewhere on the screen that shows user if the road was transited by another wazer recently.
L commented
It would be nice to see how long ago the last Wazer was on the same road... that way you could tell if you are the "trailblazer", reporting cops/accidents/etc, or whether someone has gone by recently. I suggest a little button in a corner that's either green, orange, or red to indicate certain time limits (green being in the last 2 hours, orange being 2-6 hours, and red being longer).
Mike Rork commented
This is exactly the idea I was contemplating as well. It would be very helpful for the entire waze community.
Anonymous commented
I would like an optional (client enable/disable) markup of the roads (color/number), depending on last time another Wazer drove that very road.
With a "heavier" markup based on the time passed and/or the number of Wazers.
Reason: that way one could get an idea of how accurate congestion reports are and for example how likely a new police speed control has been setup, since a Wazer drove by. If I see two or three Wazers ahead on the road and no indications of police radar/laser, it should be pretty safe. However, an hour of no one passing and I'm the first to drive there, is for sure an increased risk. The same goes for other warnings and the likelyhood of new unreported events ahead.
This feature may perhaps be impossible to implement due to heavy data traffic needed, but developers can respond to that...