GTalk integration
When Im running WAZE, set my GT status to "DnD - Driving by waze". So friends will not chat to me during driving. It make me peace and tell others about new navigation - WAZE.

James Pierson commented
Or one could just ignore google talk (hangouts) while driving?
Mike Castle commented
Since GTalk is being replaced by Hangouts, which doesn't have status, seems like this request is no longer possible.
death Bye post commented
no, gtalk NOT an open standard. Ignorance of the standard is google perpetuated to encourage more traffic through google ad server sieves (that's bad). Gtalk is not an improvement; gtalk is google devolution.
these xmpp and jingle suggestions could be better adapted
these also provide much of the desired social capability without relying upon the rife privacy-violations farce known as "social! networking
many savvy consumers have no wish to whore their privacy for interweb bobbles (Google, Facebook, twitter, foursquare, et al)
woefully there is an inappropriate tolerance of privacy erosion
xmpp OTR may help safeguard some waze communication
Guardian Project is several steps in the right direction: collaberation to improve technology for everyone moving away from proprietary :
^^ platform agnostic
beyond mere PEP below implement PubSub
Jingle added to waze is a grand idea!
open standards + security = win for all
sano commented
what about loc:on command for Google Talk status ? can be used with waze too ?
Stomp out AdWare commented
Using activity could specify destination
AND allow XMPP PEP mood to control waze mood (pulling from mobile's resource, or highest priory client, etc)
[Features Google couldn't be bothered to implement in gtalk]
Consider integrating XMPP into waze chitchat; with a waze friends features allow chitchat to break out to XMPP or even XMPP MUC (MultiUser Chat)
Http://prosody.imConsider also
Although it can be wielded as an xmpp transport
I would love a bigger textarea and an edit button on uservoice.
With either
send short voice messages to other wazer [friends]
Stomp out AdWare commented
Would implementing intents in Waze allow integration with actual-XMPP clients?
(gtalk is bastardized xmpp)
Allowing for location triggers
And Tasker awesomeness
Pasting location updates to XMPP XEP for buddies/roadtrips/caravans
Gtalk only is far too narrow minded and googlecentric. Many people are not permitted to use Google properties (security)
iOS users also benefit from XMPP: It's the cross platform sms killer ;) -
dmotivationalized commented
Please interact with *real* XMPP clients
Jeroen Pot commented
I would like an API / Plugin to get data from other sources (speed-traps / traffic messages)
Michael Babcock commented
Waze needs an API for integrating third party apps in general. Others have suggested gtalk and geocaching specifically, but even the Foursquare and Facebook features could be made plugins.
With a plugin API we could have gas price finders, access to location Wikis, and other features.
kp commented
It should be easy implement on adroid devices at least.