Add a "Remember this Route" feature. WAZE should allow me to press a button to begin a route and another button to end the route.
Add a "Remember this Route" feature. WAZE should allow me to press a button to begin a route and another button to end the route. I should be able to save this route as a favorite.
I don't want Waze to try to optimize my route or change my route in any way.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Mariana commented
Sugerencias para Waze
1. Guardar rutas personalizadas: Me gustaría que Waze tuviera la opción de guardar rutas específicas por donde he pasado en viajes anteriores. Por ejemplo, en un trayecto que realicé a la universidad de mi hermana, tomé varios atajos que redujeron el tiempo del viaje significativamente. Me gustaría poder guardar esta ruta para que, al volver a ese destino, Waze me sugiera esa misma ruta personalizada como primera opción. Además, sería útil que se mantuvieran las rutas alternas habituales como opciones, pero permitiendo que el sistema memorice rutas que resultaron ser más efectivas o rápidas en el pasado.
2. Evitar zonas de alto riesgo: Sería ideal que Waze incluyera una opción para evitar áreas específicas que los usuarios identifiquen como zonas de alto riesgo o que prefieren no atravesar. Actualmente, Waze permite evitar carreteras principales o autopistas, pero no cuenta con una opción para que los usuarios marquen y eviten ciertos lugares, como áreas peligrosas, en futuras rutas.
3. Reportar y evitar intersecciones complicadas: Aunque existe la función de evitar giros a la izquierda o intersecciones complejas en general, sería útil que Waze ofreciera la opción de marcar manualmente cruces complicados que el usuario desee evitar en el futuro. Esto permitiría que cada usuario personalice su experiencia al indicar cruces que le resultan difíciles, y que Waze evite estas intersecciones en rutas futuras. La opción de evitar intersecciones podría basarse en los reportes previos del usuario y en la información de la comunidad sobre puntos conflictivos. -
John commented
Save a drive we just completed so we can come the same way next time
Grant commented
Can you put a button at the completion of a route that we're able to save the route as driven? I've use my saved destinations many times and on some, Waze doesn't give me the best route.. Waze may think it's the best route but in reality it's not.. I'd like to be able to save my route as I drove it. There are times, many, where there is a detour and the locals don't give you a way out and leave you in never never land.. Thanks
Eitan Bonwitt commented
שלום רב,
כאחד ממליוני המשתמשים, חסר לי ולכל מכריי פיצ'ר משמעותי, שאני משוכנע שאין לכם בעיה להוסיפו בהיבט התוכנה:
בנסיעות רבות, בוודאי נסיעות בסיסיות כמו ל"בית", יש לכל אחד דרך מועדפת, בה הוא נוסע מרבית הפעמים.
במצב של פקקים, כמובן אתם מציעים 3 מסלולים הטובים ביותר, לפי הפרמטרים המוגדרים למשתמש.
אלא שלעיתים קרובות, הדרך המועדפת לה רגיל המשתמש, אינה כלולה בשלישיית הדרכים האופטימליות שאתם מציעים משום היותה בעדיפות רביעית.ההצעה: לאפשר לשמור את הדרך המועדפת כ-favorite, ואז להציג דרך זו בכל מקרה (או כחלופה השלישית או במגוון דרכים שאפשר לחשוב עליהן).
הצעה זו תשדרג מאד את חוויית המשתמש, אשר במצב זה נמצא בדילמה קשה האם להמר על הדרך המועדפת שלו שאין לו מושג מה ההפרש בינה לבין המסלולים המוצגים, או ללכת על מסלול מהשלישיה.זו דילמה שמשתמשים רבים מצויים בה כל יום, כאשר מצד אחד הם מעדיפים את הדרך המוכרת להם, אך אינם יודעים מהי הדלתא.
אנא, יישמו רעיון זה!
תודה רבה,
איתן בונויט
טל. 0544-975918 -
israel Lavee commented
In the past, Waze used to "learn" my favorite routine route (if there are no trafic problems). It doesn't do that anymore
Zalman Chein commented
it would be great to be able to save a preferred route ( for those of us that travel to and from work daily) and enjoy a certain route for many reasons .. and when i log in waze should offer me "my preferred route" showing me the time it would take and then offering 2 or 3 alternative routes so i can decide which if i want to drive the few extra minutes on my "preferred route" or maybe the alternative has a lot more time savings .....
עמוס commented
I drive every day through some points. I wish to save this route for tomorrow and not plan it every day. The route can be planned by new points, history points or favorite points. Drive carefully 😊.
Anonymous commented
The user will be able to choose his favorite automated option to always show first - a route that takes less time or a route with fewer mileage
Anonymous commented
I`ve been having this issue with Waze. Whenever I put a destination address in, it takes me to route that I don`t like (ignore it all the time). The route I like using never saves. If its possible can you give users the access to input save as favourite route(s). Based on the route options provided(meaning if I have 3 different ways to get to my local grocery store) You can add 3 options:
1. Save favorite route that user uses the most
2. If heavy traffic on favorite route, switch to second favorite
3. If first two options are congested, provide user with the least favorite route. -
Anonymous commented
Each day when I drive to work and from, I want to know what my preferred route time would be, even if it is longer than other routes. It often doesn't come up as an option and then I have to reroute as I am driving to get that route to show.
kmg commented
Allow the AP to know which is your preferred route and not reroute for a difference of a minute or two.
Fagner commented
As rotas que o app nos dá, nem sempre são as melhores. Por isso poderia ter a opção de SALVAR PERCUSO. Quando sabemos que fizemos uma rota melhor e podermos salva-la para na proxima vez que fizermos o mesmo percuso ela nos dê a rota que salvamos anteriormente
Slava commented
Give an option to remember a route mainly that is field trips, or related to sites that can only be reached through terrain
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Nova opção.
Todd Miller commented
I do a 1200 mile round trip once a month. I would like to save the directions and be able to tap the screen to mark my favorite exits with the best bathrooms, food, and coffee.
Anonymous commented
Sometimes after viewing the three route options Waze is suggesting, because I know my area, I may personally know of a better route. Waze should want a link to click on that tells Waze to "Watch this!", and show Waze an even better route route. WAze can afterward see that the route I took was fastest.
Let us help you. -
arlene commented
preferred routes were awesome. Please bring them back
Anonymous commented
Allow users to mark a route as their standard commute and always show that as an option next to the “fastest” routes. Often the convenience of a known route is worth it to me if it’s only 10-15% longer. However, if there’s a wreck or something else causing it to be seriously slower, I’d like to know that.
Mirek Kafka commented
Dobrý den,ted v posledním vylepšení mi při překročení rychlosti vyskočila rychlost červeně,ale ta není moc vidět.Prosím nešlo by to udělat obráceně? Do překročení by to svítilo zeleně a po překročení bíle?Proč si aplikace nepamatuje cestu? Jezdím do Prahy přes Kostelec nad Labem a pořád mi to z České Lípy nabízí jinou trasu :-(.