Keep Waze on top of Lock Screen
This is an option to keep waze on top of the lock screen because I shut the screen off during my commute to save battery and when I press the button to turn it on, it still requires me to unlock my phone before getting back to the Waze navigation screen

Please use battery saver mode for such cases. It won’t drain your battery that much, while you’ll still be able to access Waze by a single tap on screen.
מתן חדד commented
For Android users, you can set the app to always be at the front of the screen. iPhone users have no option. Is there a plan to promote it on the iPhone as well? If so, when? This is very important!!!
Mark commented
I hope Waze always on when navigating during driving, otherwise if drivers touch the phone that will get the traffic ticket! This is Waze no good UI. Thanks
Mark commented
This is no good design Waze is navigating but the screen turns off after five minutes. Is there something wrong with the settings? It’s causing very dangerous to touch Waze unlocked when driving, please design one button to optimize it.
Patricia Hintze commented
Passei pela mesma situação e também ja vi pessoas passando por isso na minha frente. Essa funcionalidade é muito necessária!
Patrick Ryman commented
I'm about to delete Waze, which I really like because of this issue. I do lots of long journeys so turn off the screen to save battery, but unlike Google maps which resumes with a tap, you have to sign back in to resume waze. Very inconvenient.
Hailey Kotz commented
Much needed.
Dan Yavuzkurt commented
Real great user support. You just deny the most requested option with no explanation. Google maps has directions on the lock screen or voice directions with the screen off, doesn't drain battery, and works better than waze (except for local road construction and closure reports).
And you're owned by the same company. I guess either you or Google is trying to kill Waze so it doesn't compete with doing nothing to improve it through accounted updates - except for adding useless celebrity voices that is.
Anonymous commented
Cannot just listen to road navigation
s young commented
This seems like a no-brainer. Please Waze, add this feature!
Ari commented
Four years laster and still not an option. I used Google Maps a few times and quickly noticed the convenience on displaying direction on the lock screen. Would think it was a standard option but since they are run by the same company perhaps they need to keep the features separate.
Anonymous commented
This is the one basic reason I don't use Waze even though I would love to. It destroys phone batteries because it's always on.
Wilber Antonio commented
Thieves in poor and violent countries are breaking car windows in the traffic jams to steal mobile fones unlocked when they see drivers using Waze, they are 100% sure they will be able to turn off the device to avoid phone tracking or they can access private data to blackmail or to commit stelionate.
In the other hand, Google Maps already works above the locked screen. -
Anonymous commented
Please. I love Waze, but I have to rely on Google Maps because of the lock screen convenience.
Anonymous commented
Waze users...any idea if Waze can take over the lock screen when you close your iPhone? Iike Apple maps does? With Apple maps, if you "lock" your phone to save battery while in a GPS session, the map takes over your screen when you push any button. So you can see your trip without opening your phone (just push any button). Waze doesn't do that. You have to keep phone unlocked and on to see the route. Am I wrong? Can this be changed? Thanks.
Juliana Figliolino commented
Boa noite! Meu nome é Juliana e tive meu celular roubado no carro enquanto eu usava o aplicativo Waze! É por este motivo o ladrão teve cesso integral no meu celular conseguindo até mexer, não sei como nos meus aplicativos bancários. Minha sugestão é que o aplicativo tivesse uma opção de manter ou não o celular bloqueado durante o uso! Assim me sentirei mais segura em utilizar o seu aplicativo.
M calvosa commented
Waze used to run and not shut off, by clikcing "preveny lock-screen" in the settings, But for some reason that no longer works since the IOS upgrade to 9.3.4. HELP.
Jaspercarrot commented
Have an option that can allow the use of an iPhone. When it is not connected to an external power source the option will allow the iPhone to switch off the back light. Navigation continues whilst the back light is off and the back light is only switched on when there is a navigation command to follow i.e turn or alert. This could help conserve the power significantly where that external power source is not connected
Alexandre commented
I face this same problem using waze. When I use GoogleMaps navigation it doesn't ask to unlock the phone unless you are going to change the app. Waze should work the same way...