"Change orientation” button. Notifies waze that the orientation of the car is the opposite than what waze thinks
Effective when coming out of a parking spot for two reasons: 1. To correct waze when noticing it is wrong. 2. If one can come out of the parking spot to two different directions, the button allows checking which way will consume less time, and choosing the direction appropriately.

Great thinking! We’ll share with the team; they’re always interested in new feature ideas.
פנחס כץ commented
דומה להצעה אחרת שלי. הוויז מניח שהרכב בכיוון מסויים וכתוצאה מכך מציע מסלול ארוך בהרבה מאשר נסיעה לכיוון ההפוך.
Mirna Trujillo commented
Matthew Abraham commented
Omg. I can see that happening to someone. They should enable a u-turn feature.
Michael Angelo commented
A few weeks ago I drove to attend my friend’s wedding at a small town situated a few hours away. Upon nearing, what I assumed as, my point of destination I activated my Waze and inserted the address to ensure I reach that exact destination in time. However, upon activation the Waze system told me to keep going for another 75 miles so I therefore assumed I may NOT have been as familiar with this area, as I initially thought I was, and was thus certain I was in the wrong town.
I trusted the Waze and drove those 75 miles in their entirety. Finally an hour and a half later Waze instructed me to get off at this exit. This exit happened to be a rest stop! To my horror I realized the reason Waze instructed me to drive those 75 miles was to reach this “rest area” in order to make a u-turn and drive back 75 miles to the exact town I was at originally, where I initially activated the Waze.
Further insult to injury was upon realizing that I drove right past the location of my friend’s wedding A MOMENT BEFORE I activated my Waze navigation. So basically I was forced to embark on a THREE HOUR round trip from-and-to my, exact, initial starting point.
If Waze would have had a u-turn feature they could have advised me to turn around, upon activation, and I would have been at my friend’s wedding within 30 seconds!
During that 75 mile trip to that rest stop, the pavement markings of that entire, wide shouldered, road was a Broken Yellow Line. Basically, meaning, “passing is allowed” and therefore allowing me to have legally made a u-turn at any time!
At no point did I even contemplate to call my friends and ask for direction since I trusted that I was in good hands with the Waze.
The only time the Waze navigation will tell you to u-turn, is, under strict controlled settings! Such as if it’s a designated u-turn spot, cul-de-sac, round-about, etc!
Please program a u-turn feature or at least let people know ahead of time you are taking them 75 miles away, in the opposite direction, in order to make a u-turn! For example, the system can say “please continue 75 miles on this road to reach rest stop to make a u-turn” and repeat that phrase (“please continue 65 miles for rest stop for u-turn, “please continue 55 miles for u-turn” etc.) every ten miles to advise the person they are heading in the opposite direction to turn back around. Therefore let the person decide whether they want to make a u-turn NOW or wait 75 miles until reaching that rest area to turn around and head back! -
Scubel commented
Also awaiting such a feature. Sometimes Iaunch the app and it show me routes which points to the opposite direction. So have to drive guideless for a few meters until gps direction turns around.
Would like to have a button when car is stopping, to turn around the view and route will recalculate immediately.
Anonymous commented
Waze think we cant make uturn in a middle of strret
Can save alot of time as he suggeest to contiue straigt ahaed and the way become longer -
Guy Yafe commented
The map in Waze app is always oriented to the direction of the driving. This causes some confusion when you drive through a traffic circle, and the map keeps spinning until you leave the circle.
I believe that specifically in a traffic circle, when you enter and leave, you should keep the map orientation in the general driving direction and have the arrow spinning, indicating your driving direction.
This will decrease the confusion and help understand exactly where you are in the circle, and where you need to leave it. -
Justin Stewart commented
If Waze only assumes which direction I’m already traveling down a road when I start my route, I have a 50/50 chance it’s going to pick a route that’s going to waste time, I know because it happens to me frequently.
maarten rombouts commented
Must have ! please implement it!
Steven commented
I often have somewhat of the opposite problem. I'll intentionally go a different way and skip an on ramp to stop for gas and take the next one, and instead of just recalculating to the next on ramp, which is a straight shot, it'll spend the next mile telling me to take the next turn then turn around, then recalculating when I pass that turn, on and on until I'm about halfway to the next on ramp. It seems it should pop up with an option asking what you want to do.
Anonymous commented
יעיל כשיוצאים מחנייה משתי סיבות: 1. כדי לתקן את ווייז אם שמים לב שהוא טועה. 2. אם אפשר לצאת לשני הכיוונים, הכפתור יאפשר בדיקה של איזה מהכיוונים מקצר את הדרך, ובחירה בהתאם
Anonymous commented
Waze should say please make a safe and legal U-turn to get back on track.
Jonas commented
this is very very important !!! , sometimes you are traveling and theres no internet connection, if you miss a turn, you are lost because Waze try to recalculate the whole route.
YamDigger commented
On my days off, I work as an Uber X driver. I notice that when I start a trip, Waze has me continue in the same direction that I was already travelling in. If the destination is in the opposite direction, that means driving an extra distance to make a loop and go in the direction of the destination. Considering that my passengers are paying by the kilometer, this pisses them off and results in a lower driver rating. I would like to see a "U Turn" option that would have me make a (legal) U turn instead of driving in a loop.
Anonymous commented
I used Waze for the first time and it showed me a more difficult route to my destination, with several turns. I knew I could get there via simpler route with just two turns. However, as I was driving that way, Waze did not re-calculate, making it worse than my car navigation which is about 10 yrs old!
Leandro Motta - BR commented
There is this post asking for a similar adjust. Help to increase the votes there: http://waze.uservoice.com/forums/59223-client-how-can-we-improve-waze-on-your-phone/suggestions/3119041-way-to-tell-waze-i-m-in-the-other-parallel-road
Anonymous commented
Yes, this would be a vital feature. Right now, the app suggests time-wasting loops in lieu of legal u-turns. This is my one "complaint" - otherwise, I love it.
bob commented
Takes forever to reroute me. Got to my destination and it was still recalculating...
Martin Meyer commented
If I miss a turn, Waze seems to completely reconsider my whole route every single time. There needs to be some sort of weighted consideration for when to just offer the next turn instead of re-planning my whole route. It might want to pre-calculate what to do in the event of missed turns to it doesn't take so long to "recalculate the route".
It would also be good to explain when a full route change has occured, and show an overview for acceptance. I would not have tolerated what it did to me today if I'd seen the plan.
This morning, Waze took me off of I-90 because it was broken. It kept thinking I had missed turns (I hadn't), and kept re-planning the whole route to return me to the interstate it had just removed me from.
In general, total route re-planning needs to be announced better to the user. At least offer them understanding that the path is changing, in case they had peaked ahead (which I had). It kept reconsidering things every time it thought I had missed a turn, and in the end almost made me take a 10 mile/30 minute loop to get back on the same broken interstate at the same broken ramp.
Behavior like this makes me not trust Waze re-route suggestions.
Dario Vital commented
As GPS are not so accurate sometimes when we take the wrong way, and should have taken the parallel one, there shout be a button to switch 'em and recalculate rute