Colocar postos GNV no mapa de postos no Brasil
Colocar opção de endereço e preço de postos GNV no mapa do Brasil, principalmente nas grandes capitais. Sugestão de sites para parceria de dados: Comgas, GasNet e Gás Fenosa.

Geovane Siqueira commented
Quero sugerir a inclusão do combustível GNV na opção de combustível preferido, também incluir a opção de localizar postos com GNV no trajeto e também incluir a sinalização de lombadas e quebra molas.
Cesar Silva commented
Colocar postos com GNV no app
Michelle D commented
Can't read, no option to translate
Miki commented
It's been several years since I first saw a request that somebody asked to add some fuel type with an answer "list of fuels is configurable per country ask the country manager". And the subsequent answer in the country forum we have only 4 fuels and you know, we already use them all and nobody won't be willing remove any of them. So that a premium petrol users' "lobby" has stood on keeping the status quo.
The number of alternative fuels is increasing and also the number of petrol is increasing so we have in one country at same time generally available diesel, LPG, CNG, petrol regular(95) and premium (98/100) E5 as a standard one, sometimes with E10 as an alternative, E85, and chargers for EVs. Not to mention that methyl alcohol-free petrol is becoming an alternative too... So in an average country, there are about 6-10 generally or broadly available fuel types but Waze even though it has been several years of requests still supports only 4 fuels per country... 🙈 So please increase the number of fuels per country let's say to 16 or more, to not to be here in few years to ask another increase...
If you finally start to do something after years please consider also having gas station/stand properties e.g. there are different types of CNG nozzles and EV charging plugs.
This way you can also implement semi-public (members only) gas stations like Costco - the only difference is that nozzle or plug type will be a requirement in searches if checked, but in the case of member-only stations, it'll be an exclusion if not checked.
Almir Pedrotti commented
colocar opçao de posto com gnv no waze
Tiago Oliveiraa commented
Colocar postos com GNV no mapa
Bruno Araujo commented
Country level: Brazil. Please map editor community!
JoonasA commented
Yes, please!
Sandro Cari commented
Nas opções de combustível porque não colocar o gás natural veicular (gnv) tenho certeza que irá ajudar vários usuários assim como eu que trabalhamos com aplicativos e necessitamos dessa ferramenta
Jookie Jo commented
Still not possible to select ONLY CNG stations :-(
In app CNG/LPG, in most LPG stations CNG is not available, so absolutely not usefull...
In belgium you can use
In Holland -
Jookie Jo commented
CNG and LPG are NOT the same
Carlos Eduardo Bauer commented
O Brasil é um dos principais mercados do Waze no mundo. E no Brasil, são milhares de usuários, especialmente quem faz Ubber, que utilizam como combustível o GNV (Gás Natural Veicular). Porque não colocar entre os combustíveis, assim como foi feito com o Etanol brasileiro, o GNV?
Brazil is one of the main markets for Waze in the world. And in Brazil, there are thousands of users, especially those who make Ubber, who use GNV (Natural Vehicle Gas) as fuel. Why not put GNV among fuels, as was done with Brazilian Ethanol? -
Anonymous commented
Por favor, compartilhem o link nos grupos de whatsapp pra gente conseguir o maximo de votos e a Waze ver esse pedido! -
Patino commented
ADD please CNG stations in Czech republic.
Patino commented
Přidejte prosím do nabídky CNG stanice.
Anonymous commented
Plz add CNG stations in Finland on map :)
Marcelo Hoffschneider commented
Está informação será muito útil, tendo em vista que são mais raros os postos que oferecem este combustível e o cilindro tem uma limitação de autonomia pequena em relação a um tanque de gasolina.
Poderia tem uma informação de autonomia no app para cálculo de autonomia em distância de viagem em relação a postos disponíveis.
Por exemplo. Ir de Porto Alegre a Florianópolis.
Informar rota com pontos de abastecimento. -
Anonymous commented
More and more cars are running on CNG. It would be great if you could add the CNG option to the fuel part and also integrate the CNG stations to your map for better route planning. Thank you for your consideration.
Anonymous commented
Colocar o combustível GNV nós posto Brasileiro.
Ewerton commented
Vai ajudar muito aos motoristas encontrar postos com GNV