Adding Roadside Animal detection system to Waze as a feature will help reduce animal roadkill problem.
Roadside Animal Detection (RADAR) systems – A computerized signs with flashing light stripped when an animal breaks a light beam . These can reduce collisions with large animals. These alerts and captured images can also be sent to different GPS apps like Waze, so that drivers coming by on that road can be alerted through their GPS apps and slow down when crossing that area.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Pallavi commented
Great job guys. Keep it up
Bob commented
We need to do more things like this
TheGreatWolf commented
Let's Stop The Issue of Roadkill By Adding some New Features
1. One pin to indicate a high animal crossing volume area
2. One pin to report deer, bear etc. sightings
3.Improve the sound alerts and make special ones for Roadkill specific pins -
Marianne Louise commented
Provide roadkill data to agencies/nonprofits for planning wildlife corridors/bridges
TheTechnoChampions commented
Add a button in waze for users to indicate a live animal on the side of a road (like a grazing deer). Waze users can be warned of this animal on the side of the road and can slow down when they are close to this place. This would help prevent roadkill.
Will Duenkel commented
I would like a specific report option for roadkill so someone would know to specifically look out for animals. A hazard could mean construction, pothole, any hazard. They might not think about animals.
Satyendra Kumar commented
This is an idea from First Lego League Team # 20036 as part of Animal Allies Challenge project. The team would like to suggest Waze to add capability to notify about animals like Deer that are involved in a lot of road accidents.
Anonymous commented
As with something stalled on the side of the road it would be cool to know when large animals are near the side of the road and if they crossed it could be a large potential for accident
eck commented
Chris Compo commented
I have encounyered on my route to work a dangerous corner. On this corner there is often escaoed sheeo.
Not only in the UK do we need an animal in road button but a way of reporting it as a known regular hazzard
Chris Compo commented
definitely need to be able to report animals in road, last week (same place) several times had escaped sheep in the road and it was on a dangerous bend. could easily have developed into a major incident.
Anonymous commented
YES! Also, being able to alert drivers to animals in/near the road would be IMMENSELY helpful!
Anonymous commented
Just use the Animals on shoulder. I have used and have seen this before. That works fine to me. Good Suggestion
Beatriz commented
I travel a lot and I've encountered this issue in several countries. We find an abandoned animal and we have to look for a minimum of half an hour and make three or four phone calls before we find the proper people that can help the poor frightened animal. Two days ago in Rome we found a poor cocker spaniel in the road, lost and scared, and again, we called 4 different numbers (stopping our car in the middle of the road). It would be an amazing feature to add and we'll be really grateful if you could do it. Please??
Anonymous commented
O aplicativo Waze podia ter um identificador de obstaculo ( tartaruga ) ja indicando o obstaculo a frente, assim prevenindo a colisão . Que sera avisado bem antes que tem obstaculo a frente .
Rod commented
Mountees not mounted.
Rod commented
Waze is international.
Mooses aren't generally on roads around the world. We have all sorts of fauna on our roads worldwide...why pick on mooses ? They're just doing their thing. Next it'll be mounted and squirrels... Hehehe.. -
DwarfLord commented
Having driven in Anchorage, Alaska I know *exactly* what you mean. They can come into residential neighborhoods and are serious hazards. They can be very slow and hang around the same spot for a long time, so they are more suitable for a warning than, say, a bear. Still, perhaps something more general would be best, like "loose animals on road".
bororidley commented
Dead Animal on Road or Shoulder Ahead Notification
flared0ne commented
Add "median" or "left side" to the current "middle" and "shoulder".
"Car stopped on shoulder" is a much bigger deal if it is actually on the edge of the median. In the same way, a herd of deer in the median are almost guaranteed to be an issue, whereas on the shoulder they may move away from traffic.