Adding Roadside Animal detection system to Waze as a feature will help reduce animal roadkill problem.
Roadside Animal Detection (RADAR) systems – A computerized signs with flashing light stripped when an animal breaks a light beam . These can reduce collisions with large animals. These alerts and captured images can also be sent to different GPS apps like Waze, so that drivers coming by on that road can be alerted through their GPS apps and slow down when crossing that area.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
Just use the Animals on shoulder. I have used and have seen this before. That works fine to me. Good Suggestion
Beatriz commented
I travel a lot and I've encountered this issue in several countries. We find an abandoned animal and we have to look for a minimum of half an hour and make three or four phone calls before we find the proper people that can help the poor frightened animal. Two days ago in Rome we found a poor cocker spaniel in the road, lost and scared, and again, we called 4 different numbers (stopping our car in the middle of the road). It would be an amazing feature to add and we'll be really grateful if you could do it. Please??
Anonymous commented
O aplicativo Waze podia ter um identificador de obstaculo ( tartaruga ) ja indicando o obstaculo a frente, assim prevenindo a colisão . Que sera avisado bem antes que tem obstaculo a frente .
Rod commented
Mountees not mounted.
Rod commented
Waze is international.
Mooses aren't generally on roads around the world. We have all sorts of fauna on our roads worldwide...why pick on mooses ? They're just doing their thing. Next it'll be mounted and squirrels... Hehehe.. -
DwarfLord commented
Having driven in Anchorage, Alaska I know *exactly* what you mean. They can come into residential neighborhoods and are serious hazards. They can be very slow and hang around the same spot for a long time, so they are more suitable for a warning than, say, a bear. Still, perhaps something more general would be best, like "loose animals on road".
bororidley commented
Dead Animal on Road or Shoulder Ahead Notification
flared0ne commented
Add "median" or "left side" to the current "middle" and "shoulder".
"Car stopped on shoulder" is a much bigger deal if it is actually on the edge of the median. In the same way, a herd of deer in the median are almost guaranteed to be an issue, whereas on the shoulder they may move away from traffic. -
Anonymous commented
Should a few "deer" button or group/muilt .
Stavros commented
I live in the suburbs and deer are always being struck bc they hang at the sides of the road or jump or run into cars. Many times as I drive I may see them and not be able to alert the person ahead driving in the other direction or the person behind me I think we can save animals damage to cars and possible lives by making this an important feature for for people who live in rural or suburban areas.
Nizze Nilsson commented
A button for wild animals.. and one for roadworks.. and please move up the speed meter over the right button please.. best regards nizze
and thanks for the best ap ever..
Jem commented
It would be great to have a button for when there are LIVING animals on or near the road. I know there's a button for roadkill but this would be for live animals. Many times I'm driving and there are deer or rabbits running around on or near the road and it would be great to have a button to press so other Wazers driving in that area will be alerted there are animals on or near the road so they can be alert so they don't hit them.
Anonymous commented
I`ll would like to suggest to include ANIMALS ON THE ROAD button alert on the alert window in the waze map
Ken Murphy commented
WAZE should incorporate a moose icon to warn of moose in an area. Really hitting one can be fatal
S commented
Add animal in/near road for when deer try to cross highway, dog loose on road, road kill, etc.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Unavoidable Temporary Stopping or Driving Delay
Anonymous commented
In my country feral or stray dog are frecuent nuisance. How can we add a warning ⚠? If
JB commented
This could be all animals...dogs, cats, deer, etc
JB commented
Also have a feature to auto dial animal control.