Low emission zones avoiding
The same principle as avoiding toll roads.
It is enjoying when Waze plans the way through the London (or any other city with low emission zone) and then you find out you have to drive back and find your way around the zone without any assistance as Waze still thinks you can go through the zone.

louise blowman commented
How about a button that can take you I different way to avoid the clean air zones I understand the cost of fuel as well but some people might not mind
Bev Boon commented
Frequent driver in Edinburgh and Glasgow. Occasionally driving in English and Northern Irish cities. As more an more cities adopt LEZs it is imperative for Waze to keep up to date to provide a user friendly service.
CardWebLtd commented
For Waze to remain credible it needs to provide the "Avoid LEZ" feature in the same was as it provides the "Avoid Motorways" option.
Possibly with the Exemptions like provided for tolls so that those that need it and are allowed can 'unbar' cities where they have exemptions.
Mikel Pascual commented
When I ask Waze to route me to somewhere that's not in the Bristol Clean Air Zone, Waze shows me a route which goes through the CAZ.
Waze even shows me a very brief warning (while the "go no" timer is running out).
I don't have the exemption for the Bristol CAZ, I'm not goign to the Bristol CAZ, but Waze knowingly routes me through the Bristol CAZ.
Makes no sense. -
Jean-marc Baryton commented
Sur une demande d'itinéraire, être prévenu si l'itinéraire travaerse une zone LEL (Low emission level) et si oui proposer une alternative de contournement. cordialement
StewartA commented
Could you please include details of the French Crit'Air requirements when showing planned routes in France. Also, please indicate how these might change in the future (e.g. greater restrictions will be coming in July 2022 and 2025). Thank you
אבי שרון commented
יש לי רכב דיזל מזהם שאסור לי להיכנס לערים מסוימות/איזורים מסויימים
כדוגמת חיפה וירושלים
היה נכון שהוייז ידע שהרכב שלי כזה טיציע לי מסלול במקום שמותר לי ליסוע .תודה
Xavier Goré commented
Bonjour , ne roulant qu'avec des véhicules diesel et ces derniers étant interdits dans les ZFE en France, j'aimerais pouvoir sélectionner une option permettant de sélectionner ou non ces ZFE dans mes itinéraires, comme le sont les chemins non carrossables/voies rapides/ routes payantes. Option à régler en fonction de la vignette "CRIT'Aire" Merci d'avance
Antonio Cañones Cintas commented
Podría ser muy interesante considerar el distintivo ambiental del vehículo para considerar, o no, las Zonas de Bajas Emisiones como parte de la ruta, o no.
Ray Wilson commented
Mark on map Clean Air Zones (currently Bath and Birmingham UK) and inform if planned route enters a zone.
Anonymous commented
In London Uk. Have the ULEz Ultra Low Emission Zone and CC Congestion Charge. If i choose avoid tolls road and Iam not exempt of charge zones if I choose a destination is inside the charge zone must Warning me have tolls and Show on Map where start that tolls (I can avoid go after that point using public transport or find other ways. If the destination not in charge zones never cross charge zones if I choose avoid tolls and not Exempt
Anonymous commented
In London Uk. Have the ULEz Ultra Low Emission Zone and CC Congestion Charge. If i choose avoid tolls road and Iam not exempt of charge zones if I choose a destination is inside the charge zone must Warning me have tolls and Show on Map where start that tolls (I can avoid go after that point using public transport or find other ways. If the destination not in charge zones never cross charge zones if I choose avoid tolls and not Exempt
Anonymous commented
In London Uk. Have the ULEz Ultra Low Emission Zone and CC Congestion Charge. If i choose avoid tolls road and Iam not exempt of charge zones if I choose a destination is inside the charge zone must Warning me have tolls and Show on Map where start that tolls (I can avoid go after that point using public transport or find other ways. If the destination not in charge zones never cross charge zones if I choose avoid tolls and not Exempt
Anonymous commented
In London Uk. Have the ULEz Ultra Low Emission Zone and CC Congestion Charge. If i choose avoid tolls road and Iam not exempt of charge zones if I choose a destination is inside the charge zone must Warning me have tolls and Show on Map where start that tolls (I can avoid go after that point using public transport or find other ways. If the destination not in charge zones never cross charge zones if I choose avoid tolls and not Exempt
Sh commented
Please can you have an option to avoid the "clean air zone" such as you can opt out of motorway or ferry. Also how it alerts you when you have entered an average speed check can it also notify you when you have entered a clean air zone. So that drivers can avoid the fines if they were unaware they have drove through a clean air zone area.
mn0815 commented
In certain German (maybe even in other EU cities) there are bans regarding diesel vehicles for some few streets. So there should be a possibility to avoid these banned streets for the navigation if you drive a diesel vehicle.
Tee commented
It would be helpful if you could set Waze to avoid clean air zones so that it is easy to avoid paying.
Currently in Bath and Birmingham U.K. -
Emilio commented
Que haya una opcion de menu para evitar las calles restringidas del microcentro de CABA Buenos Aires ARG en donde si se ingresa se generan multas de transito automaticas, y a veces el trayecto sugiere calles en que no esta permitido circular para vehiculos que no poseen autorizacion.
https://www.buenosaires.gob.ar/movilidad/caminandoporlaciudad/permiso-ingreso-microcentro -
Rinaldorrr commented
I would like to have in Waze a system to avoid restricted zones of use for certain vehicles. That Lisbon and other cities in the world that have restricted circulation; In Lisbon indicating the year of manufacture of the vehicle we could information to avoid zone 1 or avoid zone 2 so as to drive without problem as we decided to avoid tolls / usage fees. It follows a message I received from the city's official body.
dmm.dipm <dmm.dipm@cm-lisboa.pt>Dear Municipality,
It is informing that the document regulating the Lisbon Reduced Emissions Zones (ZER) is resolution No. 642/CM/2014, which can be found at the link https://bmpesquisa.cm-lisboa.pt/pls/OKUL/app_bm.download_my_file?p_file=2062#search= . However, we take the opportunity to clarify that between 7:00 and 21:00 on weekdays:
They can circulate in Zone 1 of ZER, zone corresponding to the Axis of Av. vehicles that comply with the Euro 3 emissions standard or have emissions considered similar (light vehicles built in January 2000 and later and heavy vehicles built in October 2000 and later). Crossings of Zone 1 through Rua das Black and Praça da Alegria and Rua da Conceição are allowed, as connections between the Hills;
They can circulate in Zone 2 of ZER, zone bounded by Av. ceuta, North/South Axis, Av. of the Armed Forces, Av. of the United States of America, Av. Marshal António Spínola, Av. Saint Constable and Av. Infante D. Henrique, vehicles that comply with the Euro 2 emissions standard or which have emissions considered similar (light vehicles built in January 1996 and later and heavy vehicles built in October 1996 and later).
The vehicles of residents in the municipality of Lisbon are exceptional than the above. -
Anonymous commented
As several german cities apply restrictions for certain areas/streets, these restrictions should be reflected in the map and considered in route planning.