Is there any way to keep Keith Morrison as a voice option on Waze?
As of April 2nd Keith Morrison was no longer a voice option. It would be great if you had him as full time selection option.

Thank you for your suggestion!
As you probably know, some of the voices we feature are promotional, meaning they are only available for a limited time.
We offer special voices for holidays, events, and just for fun.
You can use these for the length of the promotion. When the promotion ends, your voice will reset to the default and the voice will no longer appear in the Sound menu.
We hope that you enjoyed the voice while it was available and can’t wait to share more exciting voices to come!
Want to try another voice?
Tap Menu and tap the Settings wheel.
Tap Voice & sound.
Tap Voice Language and select the voice you’d like to use.
KW commented
I came here looking for this! Bring his voice back full time, please!!!
Alyssha commented
I would vote for this a million times if i could. I never got to experience this. It would be my permanent voice if he was back
Cassandra Clauson commented
Just did my annual download to see if his voice is back. Deleting again until this happens 😩
Andrew Wright commented
The world needs this forever. Pay the man whatever it takes. I need my fix while driving. Please hurry and do this before I get in an accident watching dateline (and charged with a DUIK).
Jen Z commented
Please bring back the Keith Morrison voice. I know it was promotional, but so many Wazers want it back.
Brandy Gosey commented
It would make so many people so happy
Tiffany Armstrong commented
Nothing better than Keith Morrison! He deserves to be a permanent voice! #bringbackkeith
Rita Russo commented
Please bring back Keith Morrison
Alycia Wright commented
The people have spoken- please bring back Keith Morrisons voice!!
Shasta Kreisman commented
Please , Bring Keith Morrison's voice back to navigation on the Waze app. There is nothing a dateline fan loves more than hearing Keith Morrison's voice. If only you knew how many fans he has... It is a marketing FAIL to have the world's best voice on the Waze app just to turn around and take it away from everybody who loved him so much. I deleted the Waze app long ago when they removed Keith Morrison's voice and I will not reinstall until they bring Keith Morrison's voice back to WAZE.
Anonymous commented
I’d also pay for Keith Morrison!!! #BringKeithBack
Jeff commented
I agree that I would pay 10 bucks to get Keith back!
Anonymous commented
I would so pay for Keith Morrison as my Waze voice permanently. #BringKeithBack
Amanda commented
Please #BringKeithBack!! Even as a paid option, maybe? There’s certainly plenty of demand!
Aaron Katzenberger commented
Hi there,
I emailed customer support and they told me to voice my suggestion here as well. I’ve been a big fan of Keith Morrison for many years and hearing that Waze added his voice to the navigation made me ditch my old maps app and switch to Waze.
However, his voice is no longer available and like many others, I would like to see it return to the app. I understand it was a promotional voice, but I can assure you that bringing this voice back will spark an insight for new and return old customers. Please consider bringing back Keith. Still 2 years down the road, commuters enjoy having a driving companion. Not so much the voice of Siri, Google, or Alexa. But, one that sounds modern, familiar, funny, and relatable. Thank you for your time!
Suzanne commented
Yep! We need Keith back!!
Suzanne commented
Still yearning in 2020! #BringKeithBack
Meg commented
No, I deleted after Keith went away.
MG commented
Bring back Keith Morrison to Waze, he was the BEST!!
Anonymous commented
Yes please bring Keith back!!!! His voice is the best and it made me smile so much listening to him give me directions. You need to offer more voices, you have now only had the generic ones and they are so boring!!!