Option to Remove CarPool Guy from main screen
Option to remove carpool guy from main screen on the Waze app. I don't car pool so I don't need the carpool icon on my screen at all times.

Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Always popping up in the way accidentally.
Michael Levine commented
Please add an option to disable carpool function. I have had the carpool request screen pop up LITERALLY 40 TIMES on a fifteen minute trip. I counted. Sometimes over four times in one minute. I don’t use the option. I understand and appreciate the reason for having it. But even if I were inclined to use it, the sheer aggressive frequency of pop-ups could dissuade me from using it. I have missed turns because the pop-ups blocked the map when I needed to see the driving directive. This function, thus, seems counterintuitive to the purpose of the app. Please consider this suggestion.
Wagner Sandro commented
Nao quero usar o Carpool pois nao quero dar carona para ninguém, precisa ter uma opção de desativar
Doug Olson commented
Not interested in carpool. Very annoying to have map interrupted by carpool pop up.
Ginger Lang commented
PLEASE remove the insane ability to accidentally swipe to the carpool screen while you are driving and presumably using WAZE to get there. It seems I trigger this at the most in opportune times, have missed exits & turns because of this whole screen carpool thing. I do not carpool, ever, and will not ever be needing this service, yet I’m forced to deal with it daily. Kudos to those whose work or life allows for carpooling and let them activate that in their App. I do not have any use for it and it’s distracting and hazardous. Frustrating that WAZE team responds to all “positive” remarks for carpool feature, but seems to be ignoring the hundreds of requests to turn it off or permanently remove it.
Big Joe S commented
The carpool option should be optional
William Br commented
Carpool - Retirar o Botão carpool e deixar apenas uma área mais limpa com botão pesquisa. O carpool abre sozinho na navegação e isso atrapalha muito a navegação , ao menos poderia ter opção de habilitar ou desabilitar função carpool.
Driver commented
How many people have to request this before you listen?
Rita bell commented
Currently, I have to turn iPad off to clear the carpool app from my screen and restart iPad to view the navigation screen
Rita bell commented
Add button “I don’t Carpool” to Carpool popup that asks if I Drive or if i I Ride. Or “EXIT”, i.e.something to close Carpool popup and display navigation!
Anonymous commented
Make the carpool an option. Opt out of carpooling and/or get rid of it off the main screen. When driving and a report comes in it is in they are same general position; so when you respond the damn carpool area gets activated. Now your screen is filled with Carpool Driver Rider appears. Who in their right mind places buttons on top of one another.
Opt out of carpooling - PLEASE~! GET RID OFF IT OFF THE MAIN SCREEN. -
Brian commented
I have zero interest in the new carpool 'feature' and have become distracted many times driving when the 'i drive' or 'i ride' voting mechanism hides my current route
David P Gormley commented
Anonymous commented
The carpool tab is too easy to bring up when reporting confirmation. A slight movement to the side an the option of carpooling pops up. A user should have the option of not carpooling.
That option would remove the tab from the front panel.
Option button, I DO NOT CARPOOL needs to be in the setup, or remove the carpool tab. Too close to the reply of reports. -
Nick commented
Especially for landscape orientated phones, let users hide the "where to?" And maybe even the bottom "my Waze" and "carpool" buttons which should be optional.
Rob commented
I have tried all online suggestions on how to remove 'My Waze' and 'Carpool' tab shown on bottom of map but nothing works. It is taking up space on the bottom making my map to small to use! We need the full screen. Especially in landscape mode. Just put a button in options to add 'My Waze/'Carpool tab' on bottom of screen for those who wish to display it at all times and to remove for those of us who don't wish to display it. Important note.... Landscape mode which I always use is much much worse. Only approx. 50% of map displays.
Anonymous commented
It is VERY annoying when I accidentally swipe on my screeen and the Carpool option appears with the Drive or Ride options. I might even argue dangerous because getting out of it requires more thought than needed.
So, adding the ability to turn that off completely would be awesome.
Bionicears commented
Yes please. When I carpooled, it was with my husband. Now that I’m teleworking and live only ten miles from my office, I have absolutely zero need for the carpooling option. PLEASE allow us to disable it completely!
Anonymous commented
Asking once a day at app startup, if the car is stationary, would be fine.
But covering the navigation screen every few minutes is a safety hazard, as well as a UX disaster.
People glance away from the road to look at Waze. For safety, these glances must be kept as short as possible. When the carpool signup screen is blocking critical navigation data, the user may not only miss a turn, but will also have to spend time to remove the screen, which requires more attention turned away from actually driving the car safely.
Please find a better way to do this - nag not more than once a day (its fine to be able to deliberately summon the signup from a menu on demand, and then only if the car it stationary.
Tom Wagner commented
Please get rid of that annoying Carpool popup