Option to Remove CarPool Guy from main screen
Option to remove carpool guy from main screen on the Waze app. I don't car pool so I don't need the carpool icon on my screen at all times.
Thanks for your feedback. At this time, this doesn't fit on our roadmap, but we'll keep it in mind for future product planning.
Anonymous commented
I feel like Waze has become more and more complicated to use. It used to be simple. I would like to see an option to turn off the recent locations pop up menu. It’s annoying when you first enter the app and takes forever to slide it away. Also to turn off the carpool option. I don’t like accidentally swiping over and that pops up and I don’t like that it’s at the bottom of my screen since I never use it. This makes me sad cause Waze used to be my favorite go to navigation.
Stephen Carmona commented
Drives me nuts too
Gus commented
I almost give or take drive on car pool that I didn't want.
Carol Sass commented
We do not want to carpool. Husband handicapped and thus would not be feasible. Also, during pandemic, how stupid is it to carpool with strangers. It is a damn nuisance when it keeps popping up.
Charles in NJ commented
I sometimes try to look ahead to see whether the suggested route is reasonable. If my finger gets too close to the right edge of the iPhone screen, I get a new screen with two pigs in a convertible to sell a carpool app.
I’m not interested in carpools, because all offices are closed.
If this doesn’t change, I will delete the app and use a straight Maps program.
Albert commented
Can you make it so that the carpool button can be turned off?
This feature is useless to me, especially when I did my bicycle or motorcycle and nowadays during COVID time. The button just end up covering a part of the map.
Anonymous commented
Waze seems to be the only app that has a mode for motorcycles, however there is still a rather large carpool button (that I've managed to bump and have trouble dismissing when I have my gloves on) it seems like this button should hide when in motorcycle mode as I am very unlikely to be looking to carpool when I'm on my bike.
Anonymous commented
Not using it never will get rid of it or I’ll have to get rid of Waze!
Carl commented
How do I turn off the carpool question taking over Waze when I am trying to navigate
Anonymous commented
Why? So annoying but very dangerous
CoolSterlingArcher commented
Exactly!! Why keep spamming users who don't commute??
Anonymous commented
Make it possible to remove carpool features. Blocking bottom of map and is unnecessary.
Anonymous commented
Please delete the big carpool button one the map screen.
Lorne Sloan commented
I have hit that stupid carpool button by accident on Android auto and it is extremely hard to get it off your screen while driving a motorcycle at 80mph. Please move the carpool button off the main screen.
Gus Altobello Jr commented
Offer an option so I NEVER have to see a carpool request, button on the main screen, or any other references until I chose to turn them back on (once Hell freezes over or Congress starts working together, whichever comes last).
I do not and will not carpool.
Why not put a big button at the bottom offering to direct me to the nearest gun shop? Or Planned Parenthood? Or Disco Club? Or chat group for bald cat owners (which would be more useful)? You're forcing this idea on one who has NO desire for it. Nice to have it if wanted, but a big obnoxious button permanently on my screen for "fastest path to the nearest airport" would be more useful.
Anonymous commented
Use Waze to avoid traffic not find someone to carpool with stop asking do I want to carpool I don’t
Anonymous commented
It seems that everuy time I use waze, that dammed carpool post shows up within seconds of opening waze. I AM NOT CARPOOLING and there doesnot seem to be a NOT NOW button when this message shows up on my i phone HELLO ANYBODY HEAR ME?
Michael Marburger commented
I *NEVER* want to ride or offer rides. We need an option to turn off that feature so it is not constantly visible.
Michael Marburger commented
I *NEVER* want to ride or offer rides. We need an option to turn off that feature so it is not constantly visible.
Anonymous commented
Where I live, and for the things I do, carpooling is pretty much not an option.This is especially true during Covid. Car pulling should not necessarily be encouraged? Anyhow, I am forever trying to do something in the app and swiping and ending up in the car pooling page which I absolutely hate as a feature. I would LOVE to disable that function, and add a quick swipe “hazard:yes/no” feature?