Set destination and arrival time and alert me when it's time to leave
Based on current conditions, alert me 5-15 minutes before I need to leave so that I can arrive at a set time.

Great news! The feature to set the time to leave is now available in Waze. Install the latest app version to check it out.
Anonymous commented
While Waze is loading the traffic times for the selected day, the user can't select a time to arrive by. In the vast majority of cases, I don't care what the traffic looks like, I just want to set up the planned drive no matter what. Please allow for the user to select their arrival time without having to wait for Waze to load the projected traffic.
Luiz Henrique Noronha Calvo commented
The idea is you can set how much time you need to leave the house and where you are going, so the waze will ring the alarm clock according to the traffic
Luiz Henrique Noronha Calvo commented
Install a dispertor inside the waze
Alain Vancutsem commented
Sometimes you must pick up you child at the end of an event. Would it be possible to add this option when suggesting a departure time : eg.
"Time to leave for event "daughter's friend birthday". Do you want to plan your trip for the beginning or the end of the event" ? -
Ruben commented
Yo quiero que me suene una alarma al aproximarme a mi destino. Puedo ir durmiendo en el bus y me despierta antes de llegar
Chris Wright commented
Would it be possible to add the option to change the settings so instead of leave by **.** to arrive on time, it could be set to arrive xx minutes early for a planned drive?
Anonymous commented
Allow user to enter time they need to be at destination, then, have Waze tell user what time they need to leave origin.
Jim A Syler commented
The time to leave notification needs to be less than ten minutes before the actual time to leave! I will forget when to leave within ten minutes, and be late. Five minutes should be the maximum for the last notification, though I can be out of the house in about 60 seconds. So either make the Time To Leave notification for Planned Drives at the actual time to leave, or no more than five minutes before.
Anonymous commented
Example : I have to be at 9am somewhere. I don't care to arrive earlier. As I leave my house at 7:30am at full rush hour, Waze gives me an arrival time for 8:30am. As time passes, and traffic densifies, my arrival time incremently gets to 9:05am. Each time it increments I'm getting more stressed to be late.
Potential solution: If waze knows a way that would get me there at 9am in almost any case, taking a path that is NEVER jammed (they must have this kind of stats) or is the least prone path to being jammed, I'd be happy to use this one from the start, even if I ride longer in any scenario, but be sure to arrive on time, because the path that is currently used and tries to get me there as soon as possible keeps changing and pushing the arrival time and stresses me a lot more.
Plus in the actual case, sometimes you're in sections that get jammed when you're in there and offer no alternative routes, and that can be quite stressful too.
shanal commented
suggest to add special sounds to waze, for example for alerts like schedualed drive
NicolasWaisman commented
Feature enabled!
Anonymous commented
כיום כאשר אני מעוניין לבצע נסיעה אני לא יכול לדעת מראש כמה זמן היא תהיה, ולכן אני לא יכול לדעת מתי לצאת מהבית כדי לא לאחר,הצעתי היא שעל פי נתוני פקקים/רמזורים וכו' מהעבר, תהיה אפשרות למפות את הכבישים מראש וכך אתכנן את נסיעתי ערב קודם ואמנע מאיחורים.
Anonymous commented
Estava pensando se não seria viável vincular o waze com o despertador. A idéia seria o despertador despertar mais cedo quando uma rota pré definida estiver com trânsito intenso.
JF commented
I would like to be able to specify a departure time, not an arrival time when I plan my drives... I know I always leave work at 4, so I don't have to tell my boss, if I want to be home at 5, I got to leave at 3:54 according to waze!
If I leave at 4, when will I arrive? ;)
Or Hemi commented
תחזית שתראה כמה זמן לוקח להגיע ליעד ובוחרים את תאריך היציאה/שעה/יום. וגם שיהיה אפשרות לדעת אם יהיו פקקים ובאיזה שעות.
ככה נוכל לתכנן מראש מתי לצאת ולברוח מפקקים או לתכנן לו"ז של אותו יוםולקחת בחשבון את משך הנסיעה. -
Anonymous commented
I like to arrive 10-15 mins early most of the time, but I want my calendar time to remain the actual time
Amanda commented
The planned drives feature is great but you can't see when you need to leave after you plan it which is very frustrating when trying to figure out your day. I know when I need to be at XX but Waze only shows the time of arrival - sort of defeats the purpose of planning a drive.
Tshepiso commented
I realised that your time machine works forwards as opposed to working backwards and alerting before the time arises.I begin work at 8:00 am and Waze knows my route by now,how about Waze employs the idea that I want to arrive lets say at 7:50 am,it works backwards and sends me an alert calculating the various routes such that it tells me "LEAVE BY 6:50" to make it to work at 7:50.This will avoid the issue of being late.Besides work it can be used for appointments,meetings,functions to go to and general places of interest where time is of the utmost importance.
Anthony Rauch commented
This is now a feature in the current version 4.3. It's called planned drives.
This can be closed out as completed.
Josh commented
Be able to set an alarm clock based on the predicted leave time associated with the current traffic pattern. For example, I want to wake up an hour before I need to leave to get to the post office by 9 am.